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  1. WskyDrinkr

    Seedling Leaves Curling Down and Stopped Growing

    This seedling is 2 and half weeks old. At around 4 days old or so my dog got ahold of the pot and dumped the seedling. It was out for less than 30 mins and was still partially covered in soil. It hasn't done much since then in the way of growing but I attribute that to the roots repairing...
  2. WskyDrinkr


    females cant unless theres a male around, or the female turns out to be a hermie. Males cant produce seeds.
  3. WskyDrinkr


    Have the satisfaction that you can grow a plant. ;-)
  4. WskyDrinkr

    Is it Bad to Grow Outdoors and Indoors (CFL)?

    Nobody has an opinion? (bump)
  5. WskyDrinkr

    Will Partial Outdoor Sun Increase Stretching?

    I meant place them outside once you want them to flower. You can bring them in and out when the suns out. The best way to prevent stretch is to ensure they have enough light. I would add some more cfls during the veg stage. During the veg stage they shouldn't get too awlful tall if you have...
  6. WskyDrinkr

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    Great post Chuck. I will have plenty of questions Im sure.
  7. WskyDrinkr

    Is it Bad to Grow Outdoors and Indoors (CFL)?

    I have read a few post that suggest it may be bad to grow outdoors during the day then indoors under CFLs for a few hours at night. They say it will confuse the plants and stunt the growth. When its time for flower I will leave them outside (south Florida). Have you had experience with this or...
  8. WskyDrinkr

    Growing in outdoors Florida

    If you are growing outside now it should start flowering soon due to the less sunlight (12/12). I don't think it will finish up before the first frost however. You may want to bring the plant in or hold off until next season.
  9. WskyDrinkr

    Will Partial Outdoor Sun Increase Stretching?

    As long as it dosn't frost the outside temps should be fine for your plants. You plants will do fine in low temps outside during the day. It dosn't get too cold in Texas does it? The plants won't really start to explode in height until flowing anyways. Then you could just leave them outside then.
  10. WskyDrinkr

    Miracle grow

    I started my seeds with the same soil. It will be fine for the seedlings as it only contains minor amounts of nuits, .05/.01/.05. When I transplant to bigger pots I will use a nuit free soil. Once I run through the bag I will look into some other options.
  11. WskyDrinkr

    The color of my dreams

    Great thread! Would like to see some concrete answers about the absorbtion of grape juice and flavours.
  12. WskyDrinkr

    Iris and Sadie

    Used to be Cattle (SE Missouri) now its water (Florida). Hoping to get back to the cattle some day. Thats great its on the ballot. I will have to keep my eye on that one. Are you growing full inside now? I havent gone through all your post yet.
  13. WskyDrinkr

    Iris and Sadie

    What state are you in Miss Moffitt? Your big girl is looking tasty. Im using the same method of inside outside as you did. Hope mine can turn out as good.
  14. WskyDrinkr

    First Grow 100% (FEM) SuperGirl 2 Weeks old (PICS)

    Hmm, a little out of my league, but I would assume the plant would still see it as light and would be about the same as 24/0. Maybe it would see it as a sunset. :-P
  15. WskyDrinkr

    How do you subscribe to a post?

    Forgive my newbness. I get it now. Whenever I post something it auto subscribes. Duh.
  16. WskyDrinkr

    First Grow 100% (FEM) SuperGirl 2 Weeks old (PICS)

    I did alot of research on this. It seems everyone has a preference. 24/0 will make your plant grow faster, but some think 18/6 is better for it as it gets to rest. I chose 18/6.
  17. WskyDrinkr

    Whats The Best Lighting Possible For Growing?

    Sunlight!!! But if thats not an option, I have read that if you get one light get a HPS. However, you may need a ballast. CFLs are ok for vegging, but you will need more soon or you will get stretch. The HPS has more of the red specturm you need for flowering while the CFLs have more blue...
  18. WskyDrinkr

    How do you subscribe to a post?

    How is it I subscribe to a post??? I could not find in search
  19. WskyDrinkr

    Indoor/Outdoor First Grow Florida>Comments Welcome<

    The seedling is now a week old and I am kind of concerned. The false round leaves are starting to show some yellow and the main two leaves are starting to point upwards. I have just switched today from my hard Florida well water to water that has gone through my reverse osmosis. Next time I'm...
  20. WskyDrinkr

    Indoor/Outdoor First Grow Florida>Comments Welcome<

    Hey all welcome to my grow journal. Hope it goes well. I am growing in SW Florida Indoors and Out. I start in the morning sun in a direct light window sill. About 11 am (I work from home) I move it out back in direct sunlight till 6pm or so and bring it inside to a 24 inch gro glow floresent...