Solar Smoking For Cannaseurs Only...


Well-Known Member
Look on ebay for a Fresnel lens. They are about 9 dollars for a nice size sheet. Tis what i use, fuckin perfect. They are like 100 times more powerful then a magnifying glass.


Well-Known Member
It does because you are basically vaporizing the weed
I reckon! Very conservatively, the temperature at the focal point of a 3 inch diameter magnifying glass after it has been on the object after a second or so is around 450 degrees Farenheit, or 232 C. At the focal point, your weed would almost instantly vaporize, while the weed around it would burn from the radiated heat. From what I Googled, there are many factors that can vary the temperature, but that's about average. A smaller glass would take longer to reach that temperature, so concievably, a small lens will push the bud to THC vaporizing temp slowly enough that you could get the THC vapours before the bud started to 'burn'.

You probably wouldn't want to try this one though, it can melt stainless steel:
IBM Research Unveils Breakthrough In Solar Farm Technology


Well-Known Member
Nobody is saying this vaporizes weed like a vape people. The only difference between using a magnifying glass and a lighter is one uses fuel/flame to light the weed on fire to smoke it and one uses a magnifying glass concentrating the sun's rays to set the weed on fire.



Well-Known Member
No, one sets the weed a flame, the other vaporizes it using a non contact heating source.....the sun =)....duh....
It never lights it on fire, the focal point, depending on the heat of it, will burn the thc before the bud which is exactly what a commercial vaporizer does.
-Mister Nice GUY


Well-Known Member
Ok, so i just got the Cannabible Series (which is fucking AWESOME man, seriously a must get for anybody who gives a fuck about their pot n the strains they grow), and SubCool's DANK. I just got through Cannabible 1 (of 3), and there is a method of smoking that is alledgedly the best way to smoke bud without deminishing the taste in any way.

You take your bowl, and a magnifying glass, and either step outside or into a room in your house where there is direct sunlight shining through the window. Proceed to put your magnifying glass over your glasspiece, and just like you would burn an ant, light your bowl with the power of the sun. No plastic lighters, no butane torches, no treated matches. Just the power of the sun, naturally lighting a naturally amazing plant. Difficult and inconvenient for some, maybe - but improving the taste of your ganja can be worth the effort if your a true Cannabis Conniseuer (however the fuck you spell that god damn word :D)

Yeah man, these books are the shit. Im postin the entire book up in another thread.



Well-Known Member
A volcano vaporizor is the true best way to ejoy the fruits of your labor. All the flavor with none of the carcigens. Plus you get more of the THC so you conserve your stash.
Vapor Brothers is good too, if you dont have 5-600$ to blow on a
smoking utensil. :shock:


Well-Known Member


i need a mag glass anyway to look at the trichs so i went to wal mart...ONE thats really gonna help me


Well-Known Member
Look on ebay for a Fresnel lens. They are about 9 dollars for a nice size sheet. Tis what i use, fuckin perfect. They are like 100 times more powerful then a magnifying glass.

Sweeet, checking it out now. Do you use a round lense or a 'sheet' ? Hmmm... nevermind... i guess only the round ones would work :D


Well-Known Member
to clear upsome misconceptions, I'll offer this. A quality vaporizer will incinerate nothing, but volatize the essential oils of the plant into a "vapor" to be consumed. If the temp is regulated to "burn" as suggested earlier, one isn't vaporizing. A magnfying lens, or similar optics, concentrate the suns (magical) energy into a focused beam. As this beam focuses onto object, they heat up. A perfect situation would result in being able to pinpoint the volatization onto individual trichomes, avoiding combustion of any vegetative matter. In the real world, this almost never occurs. Generaly speaking, the point of focused light heats the material just to combusting. This results in a very clean tasting hit, as well as seeming more potent. I've done over a thousand using all sort if lenses, and I have yet to not combust something. The sun is always moving and clouds can ruin a perfect hit. It is novel, but not the next big thing. Also use sunglasses as seeing the sun concentrated into 1/8" from two inches in front of your nose is cause for concern.


Well-Known Member
Sweeet, checking it out now. Do you use a round lense or a 'sheet' ? Hmmm... nevermind... i guess only the round ones would work :D
They usually come in sheets, or at least mine did. It's shape doesn't matter. And is plastic. There are however indentations on it that form circle after circle on this sheet.