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  1. SmokinBong83


    I didn't get too far past high school. I have 13 credits from when I took online classes. But after the m/fer stole my computers I had to quit taking classes. hu, has 2 comp jacked and it costs me $1300 (had to pay for classes since I couldn't finish them without comp to get a passing grade). I...
  2. SmokinBong83

    f@ck it... post pics of YOUR tats!

    These's are just a few of the ones I have at the moment.....and just a beginning of what I will be getting...... J.n.
  3. SmokinBong83

    wtf suspended license in Oklahoma

    I grow indoors too but cleaning I put all my shit down at the barn. He's 5. He actually started my first 2 plants (which were the best 2 out of the 20!). Once we realized they sprouted I had to go out and get him some flowers. He had planted "flower" seeds in a butterbowl filled with dirt he dug...
  4. SmokinBong83

    wtf suspended license in Oklahoma

    It'd be nice if it was legal! I have a hell of a lot more problems dealing with Oklahoma than Arkansas. Hell, I was surprised that OK didn't ask to search my car this time! That's what got me in trouble last time. haha, if it happens again then I guess we're just gunna be waiting on some dogs...
  5. SmokinBong83

    Fav Kind of Cig

    I just switched to Camel Wides. I was smoking Marlboro Medium shorts or Marlboro 100s full flavor. Jenn
  6. SmokinBong83

    wtf suspended license in Oklahoma

    Yes, I'm a female. 99.9% of the time I go for the men. Only one time I chose a female over a male. Where I went to jail there are 3 regular cells and 1 drunk tank. I was in my own cell. And yup, from Arkansas as well. I haven't been in trouble in Arkansas. Only Oklahoma. Jenn
  7. SmokinBong83

    wtf suspended license in Oklahoma

    I went to go get a new license since mine is trashed. It expires in a few months so the lady asked if I just wanted to renew. Sure, that'll keep me from coming back in a few months. So she searches for me in the computer and says that something in Oklahoma is keeping me from getting my license...
  8. SmokinBong83

    help me!!!

    valve stems makes nice lil pipes. Well, kinda like one-hitters but get a lil more in it.
  9. SmokinBong83

    what is this smoking device mmmmm?

    My guess was a still.
  10. SmokinBong83

    $45-$60 a gram?

    Man I don't need to smoke that bad at that price! I'm cheap. Hell, I won't pay over $50 for a half oz. Hell, I won't pay $30 for a quarter oz. I'm a single mother, I have other shit I've gotta buy.
  11. SmokinBong83

    The "How old are you" thread

    I'm 25. I can drink (which I hardly do), I can smoke (which I do way too much), I can enroll in the military (which I wouldn't do even if they would take me), I can go to a strip club (but can't since women are required to have a male escort - wtf is up with that shit?), I can gamble (which I...
  12. SmokinBong83

    The 5-minute high!!

    What is mdma?
  13. SmokinBong83

    Gotta show off my boy...To all the Pitbull haters this is for you!

    Purdy Jo (the pit I had) loved to go riding. One day she got out of the yard and we didn't know it. She jumped in the neighbor's car and wouldn't get out. He was leaving to take his wife to work at the time. Purdy was happy she got to go bye-bye! lol She was the 3rd pit I had. My first we had...
  14. SmokinBong83

    Blunts - which one is better?

    Swishers give me a headache. If it's gotta be rolled in something other than a paper then I prefer Sweet & Mild Vegas. Jennifer
  15. SmokinBong83

    Gotta show off my boy...To all the Pitbull haters this is for you!

    Beautiful pit! I had gotten a pit a few months before I was pregnant and once I had my son she slept with him every night and during naps. I co-slept with my son. People use to rag about me letting a pit sleep with my son. Well, dammit, you walk up to her and see what happened. She protected...
  16. SmokinBong83

    I you had a million+ $$$ U would?

    Would buy lots of land, build a dirt track for racing, have a house built, get few 4-wheelers and dirt bikes, all new camping gear, a truck, a race car, 76 Chevelle, put enough in hiding to pay for my kid to go to college plus build him a house.....get a few rescue dogs and snakes......then...
  17. SmokinBong83

    peanut butter

    Peanut butter and blackberry jelly san. Peanut butter and crackers Peanut butter cookies I like putting peanut butter on regular or lightly toasted break and sprinkle with sugar. mmmmmmm Jennifer
  18. SmokinBong83

    Show it off come on everyone

    haha if I can get the pic onto the computer.......and then onto here Jennifer
  19. SmokinBong83

    What was for breakfast?

    I'm eating breakfast now (kinda late). I decided to come stay at my grandmother's last night and she fixed pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, hasbrowns, toast and rice. I love rice with breakfast, or with any meal! Jennifer
  20. SmokinBong83

    No weed? out? dry? post here

    I think after today I'm going to quit for a bit. Hell, what I found last night was a quarter oz for $35 which was decent smoke (not worth that much) and $20 for a dime (which wasn't even that good). So no smoke for me. I have a blunt and a joint for this trip to Oklahoma. Jenn