wtf suspended license in Oklahoma


Active Member
I went to go get a new license since mine is trashed. It expires in a few months so the lady asked if I just wanted to renew. Sure, that'll keep me from coming back in a few months. So she searches for me in the computer and says that something in Oklahoma is keeping me from getting my license renewed. wtf. So I go to Oklahoma trying to figure out what it could be. I mean, hell, the last and only time I had gotten arrested in Oklahoma was in 2005 for possession, para, and open container (no, wasn't drinking and driving). So I went down to the police station to see the court clerk....who was out to lunch. I decided to drive my happy ass back over the border into Arkansas.....when I get freaking pulled over for doing 55 in a 45 (my speedometer read 50 - I should have been clocked 5 over instead of 10). Give my insurance and shitty looking license (which should have been a brand new one by now dammit!). He goes back to the car and runs my tags and name. Comes back. "Could you please step out of the car please?" wtf I'm going to jail. My license are SUSPENDED in Oklahoma....which never having a license in Oklahoma how the fuck can they issue me a fake number and suspend them. By now it's 1:30. I'm asking him how much to get me out as I have to be at my kid's school by 3. Damn good thing my mom was with me. I got hauled to jail for the night and they didn't impound my car or my pit. So now I can legally drive in any state but Oklahoma. What a pain in the ass. Three years I wasn't suppose to be driving in Oklahoma yet I've spent a good 2 weeks there plus all the times of driving through to go to Texas. I didn't feel like fucking with it so I made my mom come get me out (haha used my get outta jail free card).

The stay there wasn't so bad. The first hour sucked. But man there was a cutie up there. He helped make time go by :) The last time I met a cutie up there he said he was divorced and wasn't. So atleast I had my fun up there while I could, don't expect much after that.

Anyhow that's my bitch for the day.
And my first thing to do was smoke it up. Oh and I did get a leather covered bible with my name inscribed on it for this lil trip....just cost me 320! Gunna have to pay another 300 reinstatement fee before I can drive out there. That's just gunna have to wait until income taxes!


stays relevant.
How do you figure "she" is a "girl" ?

I don't think they lock females up with males, even in Oklahoma. LOL.


Well-Known Member
hahaha ya, AR cops are bitches, they will make shit up just to catch u in a lie, anything besides a speeding ticket, ur more than likely goin to jail. i would know :)


Well-Known Member
O_O....river valley? lol wtf? hehe never woulda thought about someone from my state bein here :D makes me feel better, but then again, ill have to kill u cuz ur now my compitition ;) keep en eye out for ya boy


Active Member
Yes, I'm a female. 99.9% of the time I go for the men. Only one time I chose a female over a male. Where I went to jail there are 3 regular cells and 1 drunk tank. I was in my own cell. And yup, from Arkansas as well. I haven't been in trouble in Arkansas. Only Oklahoma.



Active Member
I'm in Arkansas, just a week ago my license was also suspended for failure to appear, but Payed my fine and I'M a OK lol

560$ Damn Dollars :shock:

I'm in Da 501


Active Member
It'd be nice if it was legal! I have a hell of a lot more problems dealing with Oklahoma than Arkansas. Hell, I was surprised that OK didn't ask to search my car this time! That's what got me in trouble last time. haha, if it happens again then I guess we're just gunna be waiting on some dogs!

I haven't started growing yet. I had approx 20 plants before I moved 2 months ago. I told my ex he could have them (he doesn't smoke tho) b/c I wasn't going to mess with moving them through a few of the towns I had to go through. If it just wasn't sooo damn cold outside I'd work on getting this next batch started. But dammit, when it's cold the barn just seems wayyyyy too far from the house! haha yea I'm a lazy bum! Nah, I have to do it at night after my kid is asleep or he wants to help plant.



Well-Known Member
lol hell ya, i had to transplant my plant from wlr to southwest just cause our apartments were doin a yearly check, i didnt wanna be the apartment they check'd. and ya, its fuckin cold right now, and its only gonna get colder, this is why i just want to grow indoors. How old is ur kid Smokin?


Active Member
I grow indoors too but cleaning I put all my shit down at the barn. He's 5. He actually started my first 2 plants (which were the best 2 out of the 20!). Once we realized they sprouted I had to go out and get him some flowers. He had planted "flower" seeds in a butterbowl filled with dirt he dug up somewhere in my or my dad's yard and overwatered. I poured out the excess water and he stuck the soaking wet mess in the middle of the front yard. I'll be damned they grew! So now things are done when he's gone or asleep. That way he doesn't even know they are there. Otherwise I would have a little helper! :)
