$45-$60 a gram?


Well-Known Member
this is what i would do, if i had the money. id ask to try some of that expensive stuff. if it is really worth it i would buy it. then id go buy some regular stuff.

smoke abit of the expensive stuff when u need it most and keep the regs for normal smoking.

dont break out the expensive shit when people are round, they will smoke ur good stuff!
like someone said before.... would u let ur friend drink ur 100 year old scotch if u only had abit left? naw, i would lock that shit up and keep it for ya self :p

thats just me anyway.
Good strategy smokeh.

My problem with paying that kind of hard earned cash, is that, if people pay it, the supplier will continue charging that price point. Now, if everyone said "Go feck yourself", that shite would most definitely come down. Hey look, the entrepreneur is entitled to make money, however, that kind of shite is like the corporate ripoffs we deal with on a daily basis. Basic economics says this stoner.


Green Thumb of God
There is so much debate in here but it comes down to this: weed is worth what you are willing to pay for it and no strain is very much better than what most the heads here are already growing. If you have ever smoked hash then you know the effects of THC in its most potent form. If you are paying more for a gram of weed than a gram of hash than you aren't getting your money's worth in the high.

Generally with weed you are paying for what the bag looks like anyway. I could grow some big bud that looks super crystally and charge more fo it then some AK47 that would get you twice as high.


Well-Known Member
There is so much debate in here but it comes down to this: weed is worth what you are willing to pay for it and no strain is very much better than what most the heads here are already growing. If you have ever smoked hash then you know the effects of THC in its most potent form. If you are paying more for a gram of weed than a gram of hash than you aren't getting your money's worth in the high.

Generally with weed you are paying for what the bag looks like anyway. I could grow some big bud that looks super crystally and charge more fo it then some AK47 that would get you twice as high.
I agree with you; the price derives from the looks of the bud/bag size really. People this guy has sold to for $45 didn't know how high they would get off of the bud, but since it looked good they believed that it would smoke good. In my experience, this is not always the case. You could definitely get away with that.

if you have let's say...a purple strain, people are going to pay whatever for it because it's purple and no one has seen bud like that before. at least in places I'm thinking of.


Well-Known Member
Good strategy smokeh.

My problem with paying that kind of hard earned cash, is that, if people pay it, the supplier will continue charging that price point. Now, if everyone said "Go feck yourself", that shite would most definitely come down. Hey look, the entrepreneur is entitled to make money, however, that kind of shite is like the corporate ripoffs we deal with on a daily basis. Basic economics says this stoner.

well yeah, but how many people are gonna say no, lower ur price. even if he didnt lower his price then id prolly still get one if it was good. just as a 1 off kinda thing, to treat myself :p lol

not like id be buying and smoking that shit as if it was free.


Well-Known Member
I reckon it's gotten to be a name game.

Find some bud that has been treated properly and looks like it's been snowed on. Give it a fancy strain name, say 'Orange Wu-Tang Hindu Kush x Strawberry Melon Latte'. Tell people it makes you go blind for an hour and charge shitloads for it. Just the suggestion that it might be really good is usually enough to make some people think they've smoked Gods dope once they've tried it.


Well-Known Member
You're stupid kid

60 bucks here in Oklahoma gets you an ounce of schwag, 30 for a half, ect ect.

Dank on the other hand usually goes for about 60 an 1/8th, but I'm way to cheap for that.

the way i feel .. and many others ..
is that why smoke 2 grams of some dirty ass schwag
when you can take 1-2 HITS of some DANK and be higher:joint:
it will probably even out the price difference if you figure out how much of it you have to smoke


Well-Known Member
i cant believe you guys would actually pay that much for a gram, or even think about how you would smoke it haha


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1640447]i cant believe you guys would actually pay that much for a gram, or even think about how you would smoke it haha[/quote]

i haven't gotten any pm's so i think it's all bullsh*t. :-|


Well-Known Member
In england, the best weed you can get, i'm talking one bowl and you can't speak weed, is £10 a gram, usually good skunk costs £20 for 3.5g or £10 for 1.5g.


Active Member
Man I don't need to smoke that bad at that price! I'm cheap. Hell, I won't pay over $50 for a half oz. Hell, I won't pay $30 for a quarter oz. I'm a single mother, I have other shit I've gotta buy.


Well-Known Member
the weed that I was talking about was homegrown and kept in jars for a month. It had so many hairs and crystals and after smoking three bowls I felt really gone; I chugged a beer earlier that day and drank another half of one with my dad so idk if that had anything to do with it. I'm thinking that it did because my vision was so fucked up and I couldn't believe I drove myself home.

Overall, it was good bud. a creeping, intense high. but I would have never paid $45 for a gram of it, maybe if it had purple hairs and looked really good. I've seen bud like what I smoked last night.
Damn that shit sounds crazzzzyyy---3 bowls and you're gone!?!? Damn, at that price I'd expect this "REALLY GOOD" weed to blow your mind on the first bowl, or even the first half of a bowl.


Well-Known Member
Man I don't need to smoke that bad at that price! I'm cheap. Hell, I won't pay over $50 for a half oz. Hell, I won't pay $30 for a quarter oz. I'm a single mother, I have other shit I've gotta buy.
$50 for half an oz, that's $25 for a quarter. Sounds like you need to get rid of your internet and buy some better weed than, what is sounds like to me, at 25$ a quarter, that's less than $5 a gram, must be the nastyiest, dirtyiest, contaminate-filled, disgusting, black-hands-manhandled, mexicon-hands-manhandled, manhandled, crushed, brick weed. You disgust me.


Well-Known Member
For people that don't grow and want good shit you have to $$pay$$.
Not that I would but I'm on the other end of these deals and my risk is worth that if not a LOT more.


Well-Known Member
Thats what I'm saying

I love joints way to much to give up to one hitters. I like to puff and chill rather than burning a bowl.

I go through an ounce in about a week, give or take a few days depending, if I rolled joints out of dro it wouldn't last long at all lol
GTFO ZenMaster, you're the dumbest man alive.

Joints only allow about 5-10% of the actual available THC to be consumed, so you're technically wasting 90-95% of your weed by rolling it into joints all the time.
Blunts allow a little more absorption, but only because they're larger and fatter than joints, containing more weed and thus more potential thc.
Bongs allow 70-80% of the available THC to be absorbed, much more effecient than a joint or a blunt and at the same time, uses much much less weed.
Pipes are the most effecient, allowing up to 95% of the available THC to be absorbed.

However my favorite is the bong. As not only is it highly effective, it allows me to use very little weed, yet the device allows the smoke to become concentrated, thus increasing the effect and the effeciency. Not only that but it cools the smoke down, allow a much larger inhale, thus more potential THC to become absorbed.

GO suck bush's dick, Zenmaster. That's all I got for you.


Well-Known Member
$50 for half an oz, that's $25 for a quarter. Sounds like you need to get rid of your internet and buy some better weed than, what is sounds like to me, at 25$ a quarter, that's less than $5 a gram, must be the nastyiest, dirtyiest, contaminate-filled, disgusting, black-hands-manhandled, mexicon-hands-manhandled, manhandled, crushed, brick weed. You disgust me.

wtf black hands, mexican hands, are you that ignorant or what :roll:


Well-Known Member
$50 for half an oz, that's $25 for a quarter. Sounds like you need to get rid of your internet and buy some better weed than, what is sounds like to me, at 25$ a quarter, that's less than $5 a gram, must be the nastyiest, dirtyiest, contaminate-filled, disgusting, black-hands-manhandled, mexicon-hands-manhandled, manhandled, crushed, brick weed. You disgust me.
fuck wrong with you.

and 25 for the vick will get you some very good mids.
Kill yaself


Well-Known Member
GTFO ZenMaster, you're the dumbest man alive.

Joints only allow about 5-10% of the actual available THC to be consumed, so you're technically wasting 90-95% of your weed by rolling it into joints all the time.
Blunts allow a little more absorption, but only because they're larger and fatter than joints, containing more weed and thus more potential thc.
Bongs allow 70-80% of the available THC to be absorbed, much more effecient than a joint or a blunt and at the same time, uses much much less weed.
Pipes are the most effecient, allowing up to 95% of the available THC to be absorbed.

However my favorite is the bong. As not only is it highly effective, it allows me to use very little weed, yet the device allows the smoke to become concentrated, thus increasing the effect and the effeciency. Not only that but it cools the smoke down, allow a much larger inhale, thus more potential THC to become absorbed.

GO suck bush's dick, Zenmaster. That's all I got for you.
get the fuck outta here your reserch is extremly flawed try again....combustion disenegrates alot of the thc,, so actually vaporizours are the way to go...

over 20 a gram is bullshit period.. noweed is worth more than that.. i did pay 23.50 usd in amsterdam but that was because of shitty exchange rate. 14euro was the tops there..and it was not worth over 10euro .. except chocolope and it was worth the 14 euro.