The 5-minute high!!


Well-Known Member
Have nothing else to smoke other than some horrible Mexi Brick.

Took 3 jays to get me rollin, and the peak of the high is literally lasting maybe 5-10 minutes...

It totally sucks ass, I would really like to sit here and write 10 pages of just me complaining. I guess I could be totally out of grass, but still, it sucks when there's so much but it does so little.

I've got 2 ounces of this shit left...


Well-Known Member
I hate when that happens. And it's happened to everyone at least once. Especially when shites tight, and you don't know if you'll be able to make another purchase, so you buy more than you should have. Hey, it's the way of the west.


Well-Known Member
I hate when that happens. And it's happened to everyone at least once. Especially when shites tight, and you don't know if you'll be able to make another purchase, so you buy more than you should have. Hey, it's the way of the west.
True shit(e),. for you kilo.... Even the respectable dealers are at the mercy of dry times....:weed:

It was given to me.. and now I know why.

Stupid.. :D
It still beats a kick in the nuts...:shock:.. any weed is better than no weed..
do hot knives.. that'll give you a buzz.......:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
A Buzz?

Is that just an american term or what?

Since weed doesn't make you 'buzz', thats what people use cocaine and mdma for..


Well-Known Member
buzz is when ur first starting to feel the high... or when ur drinking... u first start to feel the alcohol kickin n


Well-Known Member
1. Make it into hash

2. Make it into kief

3. Make it into brownies (this works best)

4. Make butane hash oil

5. Make ISO oil (although safer, it takes like 400x times longer... 20 minutes compared to... 3 days.)


Well-Known Member
1. To make it into hash: Take a coffee grinder, buzz up about 3g at a time. The way a coffee grinder works is to seperate the larger pieces (the coffee grounds) from the smaller pieces (the dusty filth). In hash's case, it seperates the larger pieces (the shit) from the smaller pieces (trichomes). The trichomes will sift out and stick onto the top of the coffee grinder. Although filled with contaminates, it will be a good or better smoke than what you were left with. Take this collected 'hash' and place it into a folded-over plastic sheet, then take a knife and slightly heat it, testing it to another piece of plastic sheet -- if it melts, it's too hot! -- then apply the heated knife to the hash-filled sheet. Do this until you have merged all trichomes togather into a sheet of actual hash. Remove and enjoy.

2. Making it into kief: Simply follow the above instructions, without the hot knife pressing. Presto: Kief.

3. Make it into brownies: Perhaps the most effective method of extraction, as it literally extracts all of the good and leaves all of the bad. To do this method you will need a few materials. These materials include at-most 1 pound of butter (4 sticks), the less sticks, the more potent your butter shall be. Take a smaller boiler and fill 3/4 the size of the pot-pan with water, then apply heat until the water begins to boil. Reduce heat to a low simmer, do not allow it to boil. Now take your weed and grind it up, preferably in a grinder or something that will get it to a small size but not a riduculously small size. Now take your sticks of butter (or stick of butter) and throw it into the pot of simmering water. Now do the same with your cannabis, and simmer the butter/cannabis mixture for at least 1 hour, preferably as long as possible (up to 12 hours)
The water in the pot will turn a nasty greenish yellow amber. It will be greasy from the butter. When you have decided that you're done simmering, remove the pot and pour its contents into a large bowl. Do not place it into a flat surface, such as a cookie pan or a pan. Now place the gold-filled bowl into your local freezer, preferably a freezer that you own. Come back after 12-24 hours and remove the bowl. The contents will be frozen-solid, however due to simple physics the oily butter (infused with cannabis) has now risen to the surface, with the iced water below it.
Lightly heat the underside of the frozen bowl, only until you can remove the seperated (ice and butter) block from the bowl. Take this block, it will appear as a nasty green-yellow color on the top and a slightly green iced water on the bottom. Firmly but heartily hold the block underneath a hot stream of water. TAKE CAUTION in only allowing the iced water underside to go into the hot stream of water. This will remove all of the iced water underside, while leaving the frozen golden-butter for you to play with.

Make anything that is in need of butter.

4. Make butane hash oil: You will need a pyrex bowl, or a glass bowl that can withstand extreme temperatures--Preferably a pyrex. Take a metal pipe, preferably about 1-2" in diameter, and enwrap electrical tape around both ends. Place 2 caps on both ends, one cap with just one 3mm hole in the middle and the other cap with a series of 2-3mm holes all over the bottom. You now have your tool, or simply buy the honeybee extractor. Get ahold of any kind of butane, although most have a contaminate in them that allows the butane to be smelled if it is ever released. This contaminate will transfer into your butane, so the best butane to get is ones from a professional tobacco shop, or some sort of tobacco or head shop that carries butane for lighters.
Place 1 ounce of weed into the pipe or honeybee. You will need a pyrex bowl Take 6 (150ml) or 3 (300ml) cans of butane, uncapping one at a time for safety. There will be a small nozzle that sticks out from the ends of each butane tube. Take this nozzle and insert it into the singular 3mm hole on the one end of your metal pipe or honeybee extractor. Press firmly; Press quickly; Press with a vengeance that you aren't scared with. It will take 30 seconds for the butane tube to become completely empty, while during that time a cloud of butane will encase your hands, much of the pyrex bowl below, and most of your extractor. Make sure while you're doing this, your pointing the capped end (with many 2-3mm holes) at the pyrex dish, as a stream of hash-infused butane will shoot or leak out (depending apon the size of the holes). Its important while doing this that you have no devices that can create any sort of spark or flame, as technically you are holding an incendary device that is leaking (imagine a pipe bomb, that is leaking... in your hands)
Repeat said instructions above until all the butane has been extracted through the extractor. What is left in your pyrex bowl is butane and hash oil. The hash oil will be a light amber, that will oxidize into a dark amber, and may be contaminated into a black oil. The lighter the more purer; The darker the more contaminated. You will have to wait until all of the butane has evaporated. While it is evaporating, any spark made within a 500-foot radius of your pyrex bowl will cause an explosion. If the temperature is of realitively warm air than your butane will evaporate within 20 minutes, however if the temperature is below 75 degrees than it will evaporate at a MUCH slower rate. You can help it evaporate if you live in a colder climate by place a hot water ballon underneath the pyrex bowl, or placing the pyrex bowl inside of another pyrex bowl and placing warm (NOT HOT!) water into the second pyrex bowl, below the first. This will increase the ambient temperature within the butane-filled pyrex bowl, expeditionally increasing the evaporation time. If you place HOT water into the second bowl, you will effectively cause the butane to boil and fizz, causing most of it to fizzle out of the bowl and thus lost.

5. Make ISO oil: Take 99% ISO (or 95% grain alcohol, preferably, however that's quite hard to find) and place it into a small jar. About 1/5 filled. Now take some cannabis and grind it up very fine (with a coffee grinder) and place the powdery cannabis into the jar filled with either grain alcohol or ISO alcohol. Mix it up real nice, cap it, and allow it to sit for a week, or 3 days. You can decrease the absorption time by gently heating the ISO/cannabis; Grain alcohol/cannabis on an ELECTRIC (ONLY ELECTRIC) stove for an amount of time.
Once the cannabis has become saturated with the extraction alcohol, you may filter the now spent schwag from the liquid, making sure to squeeze every last goodness from the saturated cannabis. The remaining liquid is hash oil-infused ISO/grain alcohol. In order to consume, you must evaporate the badness from the goodness. To do this, place the liquid into a small pyrex pan. The more surface area the liquid receives, the quicker the evaporation will take place. To further increase the evaporation time you can place a small fan on it's lowest setting and point it at the hash oil mixture. Once all of the liquid has been evaporated, you are left with a similiar and potent mixture of hash oil.