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  1. rbtime

    auto-flowering strains eg. Lowryder#2

    kinda sucks in a way i guess by not being able to clone them but they are pretty quick plants so im not going to be complaining, thanks guys.
  2. rbtime

    auto-flowering strains eg. Lowryder#2

    thanks guys, i thought it would be hard/weird to try and stop autos from flowering. i might do that weezer and read up more about the breeding process. however will i lose consistency when breeding both male & female lowryders?
  3. rbtime

    auto-flowering strains eg. Lowryder#2

    hey all, i finally got some seeds and they are Lowryder#2 auto-flowering. i specifically chose this strain becuase i think its what suits me best in my situation. but i have a couple questions about it. i want to just start with 1 plant and have that as the mother until its big enough to take...
  4. rbtime

    the mother plant

    thanks dude, got any pics of yours by any chance?
  5. rbtime

    the mother plant

    thanks mate, so when the mother pretty much just wants to die you can take a clone off that and make another mother and it will still be consistent. and i was also wondering where people keep there 'mothers'. im thinking of keeping it separate from the grow room in spare closet or something...
  6. rbtime

    the mother plant

    hey guys, im trying to learn more about them to see if i should have one. you need to have it in its own room under 24 hours light so it never flowers right? then you just keep taking the clones off the mother plant to keep the strain consistent. also how long can a mother plant last for if...
  7. rbtime

    How many grams per watt for CFL growing?

    hey mate those look pretty good, wouldn't it be more efficient to run a 400w or maybe 600w HPS rather than 14 cfl's? sorry for the hijack
  8. rbtime

    how do i make clones

    thanks chiceh & dankiestdank, im reading the FAQ now. ill take your advice though chiceh.
  9. rbtime

    Third and last grow

    they look good mate, cant wait till i get mine up and running.
  10. rbtime

    how do i make clones

    hey guys, as the title says i was wondering how to make clones. i have a rough idea but not certain and was wondering the best way to go about it. All i know is that you take a cutting from your plant which you want to clone and then plant it in soil and its basically ready to start growing...
  11. rbtime

    First Grow. Stealthed.

    looking good mate.
  12. rbtime

    need seeds

    hey man, yeah i was talking to a guy at work today and he said we should just go down to nimbin, i totally forgot about that place lol. im in brisbane so its not that far to go. nice to see another aussie on here :D
  13. rbtime

    need seeds

    thanks guys, i didn't know that members on here couldn't sell seeds but its all good. i would use bagseed but i don't smoke but ill ask around now and if that doesn't work then ill just keep trying the overseas companies. would be nice to know if any aussies on here have had success with buying...
  14. rbtime

    storing seeds & buds

    thanks for your help guys, im learning something new about growing hydro everyday :D
  15. rbtime

    need seeds

    is there any seedbanks in Australia that anyone knows of? or even anyone on riu here in aus wanting to sell some let me know im real keen to start growing. pm or email me. i want to buy some from the seedbanks in other countries but im not sure that it would get through our customs or...
  16. rbtime

    Help with first setup.

    cheers mate.
  17. rbtime

    storing seeds & buds

    hey all, 1. how long will seeds last for before they are useless? 2. once you have harvested your crop what is the best way to store it? eg. vacuumed seal air tight bag in the long will it last? cheers, rbtime.
  18. rbtime

    Help with first setup.

    would i be fine to use just 1 x 400w HPS for the full growth of plants, vegging & flowering. Im going for a basic grow setup and anything to cut down costs help for first time around anyway.
  19. rbtime

    Help with first setup.

    yeah mate thats the plan, hopefully. like i said ive never done this before but cant wait to try a few new things with it.
  20. rbtime

    Help with first setup.

    alright just been reading up more on the CFL's and there not exactly what i thought they were, but now i understand. i was thinking they were just the small energy saving bulbs you use in your home but the ones i need are bigger and longer. like this-