storing seeds & buds


Active Member
hey all,

1. how long will seeds last for before they are useless?

2. once you have harvested your crop what is the best way to store it? eg. vacuumed seal air tight bag in the long will it last?



Well-Known Member
1. They will last for "several" years if stored properly - in a small, airtight, light-proof container; at steady room temperature (some people say to freeze them - I don't reccomend it). Time will take it's toll - but some seeds are still viable after more than 20 years.

2. Just like fine cigars - in humidores! Of course it must be properly dried and cured first, but there are pre-Castro, Cuban cigars, that have been kept in humidores for over 50 years - and have only gotten better in the process!


Well-Known Member
When I lived in West Virginia a lot of the old cats would bury their buds in the clay in mason jars and would dig them up years later and they were still good .