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  1. rbtime

    Help with first setup.

    thanks dude, appreciate that! cfl stands for "cool fluorescent light" am i right? another thing, how long do you have them under the cfl's and what are the times etc. im still learning as to the timing of the lights. oh and i also forgot to add a timer.
  2. rbtime

    Help with first setup.

    hi people, i am going to start growing within the next month and just want to make sure im going to be getting the right equipment for my first setup. It's not going to be big just a small setup so i can learn and then someday when im comfortable with it i can get bigger. To start with i have...
  3. rbtime

    Welcome New Members!

    G'DAY TO ALL, i just want to start by saying this site is awesome and i only just found it. I've been wanting to grow hydro now for a couple of years but things just kept getting in the way but NOW ive had enough and just want to start doing it. I've been reading through a heap of threads on...