auto-flowering strains eg. Lowryder#2


Active Member
hey all, i finally got some seeds and they are Lowryder#2 auto-flowering.

i specifically chose this strain becuase i think its what suits me best in my situation. but i have a couple questions about it.

i want to just start with 1 plant and have that as the mother until its big enough to take around 6-8 clones from it and just keep doing that when i need to.

1. do i have to keep the mother separate becuase it will be under longer light so it wont flower?

2. i dont know much about the auto-flowering plants so how much light should it stay under, becuase im thinking it will just flower no matter what becuase its auto.

so bascially i want to have a auto-flowering mother which never flowers... is that possible.

sorry if im confusing people but thanks for any help!


Well-Known Member
Sorry but i don't think it's possible well it maybe is but there isn't really much point when you can go from seed to harvest in about 9 weeks. So most people don't bother just easiser to germ a new seed i think. Plus not sure if you can stop an autoflowering plant from flowering. Don't think it's been done yet if i remember right! Think thats right!


Well-Known Member
won't work. have to breed for seeds.
clone have the same maturity of the mother. you might gain a week or too for the rooting. but if you try, let us know the outcome.

autoflowering is just that. it flowers no matter what the light schedule.


Well-Known Member
germ and grow what you got males show about 18days..females about 3-4 days later..pick a good male and good female and breed them.. then you will have lots of seed...i put my light on for 18hrs,6 hrs off


Active Member
thanks guys, i thought it would be hard/weird to try and stop autos from flowering.

i might do that weezer and read up more about the breeding process. however will i lose consistency when breeding both male & female lowryders?


Well-Known Member
Just pick your best Male and Female, that's all you can do really.
There's absolutely no way you can clone them.
I lightly pollenated some but haven't planted any seeds as yet, so I only know what I can't do so far.
Good Luck.

mr west

Well-Known Member
you cant clone autoflowering plants sorry dude. They are 1 hit plants with no vegging time, the best u hcan hope for is to top them once or fim them if ya good. I grew nycd lowrydewrs last grow check out my signiture for details dude


Active Member
kinda sucks in a way i guess by not being able to clone them but they are pretty quick plants so im not going to be complaining, thanks guys.

mr west

Well-Known Member
having grown them i dont think ill buy any more seeds, Your only really saving 3 or 4 weeks on a 12/12 strain but only get half the yeild if ya lucky. They are a novelty and not to be taken too seriously imho


Well-Known Member
having grown them i dont think ill buy any more seeds, Your only really saving 3 or 4 weeks on a 12/12 strain but only get half the yeild if ya lucky. They are a novelty and not to be taken too seriously imho
I think they might be worth it. Make a s-load o seeds and do a outdoor guerrilla grow. (I haven't grown them, but kinda want to for some odd reason.)


Well-Known Member
having grown them i dont think ill buy any more seeds, Your only really saving 3 or 4 weeks on a 12/12 strain but only get half the yeild if ya lucky. They are a novelty and not to be taken too seriously imho
hey man
lowrydre are great plants
i have lr1.. but want to get cross with ak47 or somthing..
whats not to like,.
iplanted some in late may and smoking it right now:joint: .great taste good high..
the only thing i see wrong is buzz does not last too long..


Well-Known Member
the yeild dude
smaller yield yes.
ounce to 1 1/2in 9 weeks [2 months].. and the fact that they can be hidden
so easy is great ...there are pros and cons ..but i think the pro out wiegh the each thier own..

mr west

Well-Known Member
i agree they would be great for gorilla grows and to fill in space that would be redundant.