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  1. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Thanks, man. It's truly a gem as far as guerilla locations go. Full sunlight all day close to a creek that never dries up. I'm a lucky man. Lol
  2. Blackvalor

    northeast outdoor 2014

    Looking frosty! Shouldn't be long now
  3. Blackvalor

    An interesting situation

    <\3 :'(
  4. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Chopped the last of my girls the other day. Colas were huge on this plant and once it's all dried and cured I'm thinking it should be a pounder without question. It was a good year, but I'm always looking to improve :wink:
  5. Blackvalor

    Whats worse?

    Mold... Mold is always worse:?
  6. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    @fattyjoint100 that strain is frisian dew by Dutch passion. Most started flowering early to mid July, but I will add that these plants were started in may and were root bound in the pots they were in by July. I think that had an influence on their early flowering. @Kygiacomo I've never used...
  7. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    They've really been a great strain for my area. No problems with producing big buds and are apparently pretty good at deterring mold. There sure are a lot of phenos... I counted 3 different ones just in the 6 that I had pop this year. They're not cheap, but definitely something I'd run again...
  8. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Sorry to hear about your mold troubles, bro. It sucks busting your ass all summer just to have it snatched away at the end. Hopefully the rest of your girls pull through.
  9. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    She's a beaut! Colas like that make it all worth it. Funny how we wait for this point all year, then after a couple all day trim sessions its like "can this part be over yet?" maybe its just me haha. Anyway, I can't complain much. I've only got one more girl to chop and my season will be...
  10. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Thanks. I love growing but towards the end of the season it starts to get stressful. Trimming should keep you busy all day Saturday. I hope you have a helper
  11. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    I took down two of my last ones this morning before the rain started and I'm glad i did because they were super dense... You drop them on the table and it sounds like a marble. No signs of mold either. I'm glad mine are for the most part harvested. So much less worrying now!
  12. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Sounds like "your friend" learned a hard lesson. It's never a good idea to grow that many plants in one location, especially guerilla growing. Flowering plants put off a lot of smell and that many are easy to see from the sky. You're kind of asking for trouble in that scenario. Another flaw...
  13. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Looks more like 2-3 weeks in to me...
  14. Blackvalor

    Do you take your phone when visiting your grow?

    In short, yes I do. I don't have an android phone but I always either turn my phone off or to airplane mode and "locations" is always turned off in the event that I take pictures. It's mostly for peace of mind... If they want you they can get you no problem, but I'd like to think they've got...
  15. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Factors for bud density seem to be: genetics, light intensity, lower temps in flowering, proper nutes, don't pull early (let them finish), as far as I can tell.
  16. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Should have some nice colas on this when its finished :)
  17. Blackvalor

    Fan leaves/ trimming/ how much is to much?

    Only remove the fan leaves that are naturally yellowing and dying during flowering. I gently tug on these leaves and if they don't easily separate from the plant I leave them.
  18. Blackvalor

    How cold is too cold?

    Like was already said, they can handle as much as light frosts. I wouldn't expect to see any growth in those temps, but at least they would continue to ripen.
  19. Blackvalor

    First plant of the year chopped!

    Haha, hell yeah. The best part is yet to come still... Getting weights and jarring it up :)
  20. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    I use fabric pots because 3/4 of my grows are in swampy areas where any hole you dig would fill with water in minutes. They're just easier all around IMO