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  1. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    Haha then I would be growing shit. If I was too grow where I live out in the middle of nowhere I wouldn't even be able too start a plant outside its too cold. if I somehow made a tent for them a helicopter or some one that lives out in the country would find it. so I did the next best thing I...
  2. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    Yea that's the truth. In a town like mine though cops are the last thing I am worried about but its a good idea too keep it in consideration.
  3. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    The last thing I expected was for this too happen. He was just doing his job and taking a unused t.v. reciver. He didn't say a word to the police cause by the time he left it was only a piece of matter in the trash. but it really doesn't matter anymore. What is done is done. I did fuck up. I...
  4. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    Yea, Your completely right. I would need too get surgery too join the military. Also yes I am clean I would need surgery though too join I would love too but idk if its even possible. I am trying too fight for myself the way it is.
  5. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    Yea, You are right it's an old habit and soo is smoking I am going too listen too your wisdom instead of ignore the truth. I wish I could change some of the problems though. :/
  6. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    My problems are my life. They are apart of me I cant fix most of them if I wanted too.
  7. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    I completely agree this man speaks words of wisdom. My life would be miserable without this wonderful plant.
  8. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    yup. I don't really know why I didn't tell him got some seeds from my best friend and just went from there. I didnt know who too tell him soo I decided too keep it a secret wich was a mistake in the first place.
  9. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    Like I said people like you make me sick get your facts straight be for you go about talking shit I am a fall guy for a reason if I get caught that's my problem but now there's nothing here soo whatcha ganna do about it. post more pointless shit see what I care. You talk like your god or...
  10. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    Agreed it wasn't a good title and people overreact easily. I said what I did. I probley shouldn't have but I did. just because you can doesn't mean you should. I don't regret anything in my life I have done.
  11. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    yup. lol he didnt know better. I think its dumb I was a little pissed when I wrote this. what do you want me to post? oh I am sorry for calling you a name on the internet that you will never see. "newsflash" it doesn't matter it just makes people angry.
  12. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    I agree completely and thanks for speaking your words of wisdom.
  13. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    Exatcly, damn ppl be tripping about shit that doesn't concern them. All that matters is your own life I didn't post what I did too be called names only thing I like in this world is peace but obviously no one is grown up enough too understand that.
  14. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    Exactly what I did. I never was being disrespectful too him although everyone seems too think I am.
  15. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    yea I am never ganna go big that's where stupidity comes in. I should just delete this post everyone take this pointlessness too seriously.
  16. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    what part of it being illegal and people still doing it do you not understand? Whats done is done and nothing can happen now I understand the risk but no agency would flash bang someone for one plant and a timer that no one knows about. If I was an idiot than I would already be in jail. It's...
  17. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    I didn't disrespect him. I disrespected his house he got rid of what he needed too and I apologized he accepted it. He understands what I did more than anything.
  18. mr.purplesensi

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    Haha the only lesson is this should be legal. Its a plant not a drug and yea, I am bitching about what I worked on for my first time. I have the right too bitch and you have the right too be a prick. Even if we don't like it.