my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

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It happened to me as well. The cops were looking for someone and ended up in my house while I was out.Long story short I came home and had to stand there while they counted my plants and shit. They can show up for tons of reasons we do not think about. Accidents, fires escaped lunatics. It was worth it IMO if you now understand that.
Yea that's the truth. In a town like mine though cops are the last thing I am worried about but its a good idea too keep it in consideration.
Lol @ life isn't fair ... someone needs to get their ass dropped in the middle of Africa or Syria or something. You're in the top 1% in the world dumbshit. Ina few years when your balls drop you may just come to realize how good you have it. Unless you have aids or cancer or some shit, don't talk about having it bad. I remember 14 year old emo girls from the high school days that whine less than this.

If you're sad your plants got ripped by daddy, then guerilla grow like the smart kids that live with their parents do. Smart kids that live with their parents that want to get fucked up on alcohol and cant get it anywhere else or their poor learn what bakers yeast and juice does when mixed. Smart kids that live with their parents and want to get fucked up on weed know that in the house is wrong and on public property stealthily away from any trail is right.
Haha then I would be growing shit. If I was too grow where I live out in the middle of nowhere I wouldn't even be able too start a plant outside its too cold. if I somehow made a tent for them a helicopter or some one that lives out in the country would find it. so I did the next best thing I could. Which was a mistake in the first place. I am not 14 lol someone just said I was and I simply don't care.
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