my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

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Well-Known Member
But only if you get a notarized statement from him stating he did not know and it has to be dated prior to the raid.
Please explain how one can sign a statement saying they didnt know of an illegal operation BEFORE it gets raided


Well-Known Member
My problems are my life. They are apart of me I cant fix most of them if I wanted too.
You have a clean record? You have decent grades in school? Join the military - Air Force or Navy (stay clear of combat arms - rambo shit is fake)

Hit me up with PM and I'll hear you out. You sound like your frustrated with ur lot in life - I've been there, done that, work on it every day bro. I give u props for having the balls to try a grow but cut your dad some slack - he'd have to take a risk he obviously not willing to do.

Sorry I jumped your shit but I think you needed a reality check. Hit me up if you need to talk.
Also change your thinking .... the grass is always greener ... problems can always be fixed
Yea, You are right it's an old habit and soo is smoking I am going too listen too your wisdom instead of ignore the truth. I wish I could change some of the problems though. :/
You have a clean record? You have decent grades in school? Join the military - Air Force or Navy (stay clear of combat arms - rambo shit is fake)

Hit me up with PM and I'll hear you out. You sound like your frustrated with ur lot in life - I've been there, done that, work on it every day bro. I give u props for having the balls to try a grow but cut your dad some slack - he'd have to take a risk he obviously not willing to do.

Sorry I jumped your shit but I think you needed a reality check. Hit me up if you need to talk.
Yea, Your completely right. I would need too get surgery too join the military. Also yes I am clean I would need surgery though too join I would love too but idk if its even possible. I am trying too fight for myself the way it is.


Well-Known Member
He had every right too. You should have shown him and his house a little more respect. If the cable guy snitched you out to your dad. Well I would be surprised if he didnt snitch you out to the law.
Actually, if I had to guess, cable guy was a stoner too and understood the implications of everything. Whereas the OP obviously does not.


Well-Known Member
Yea, Your completely right. I would need too get surgery too join the military. Also yes I am clean I would need surgery though too join I would love too but idk if its even possible. I am trying too fight for myself the way it is.
Good to see you've seen the light. I highly do not recommend joining the military however. Yes, it seems like an easy out and it can provide some needed discipline - but so can martial arts and you don't have to go to foreign countries and shoot innocent people (or get killed).

Just work shitty jobs until you have enough money to move to a better state and get cracking at what you obviously really want to do (I don't blame you, growing is addictive).


Well-Known Member
There is another thing to consider and again I`m just putting the info out because most people do not have enough information to make a sound choice. When you are on probation so are the others lining in your home. Well not really but my PO came for home visits unannounced and looked all over. It was a pain for the innocent guy living with me.
Actually, if I had to guess, cable guy was a stoner too and understood the implications of everything. Whereas the OP obviously does not.
The last thing I expected was for this too happen. He was just doing his job and taking a unused t.v. reciver. He didn't say a word to the police cause by the time he left it was only a piece of matter in the trash. but it really doesn't matter anymore. What is done is done. I did fuck up. I shouldn't have started the seeds in the first place but now its trash where it belonged when it entered this house it's not worth it if someone cant keep a secret. I got very lucky. I should be somewhere else but luckily my dads a nice hearted person. I shouldn't have done any of this. This was a fucking lesson I am never ganna forget. I just wish that no harm came too that babe. I understand that it could get him in trouble but as secure of a place I thought it was I found a harsh reality.


Well-Known Member
The last thing I expected was for this too happen. He was just doing his job and taking a unused t.v. reciver. He didn't say a word to the police cause by the time he left it was only a piece of matter in the trash. but it really doesn't matter anymore. What is done is done. I did fuck up. I shouldn't have started the seeds in the first place but now its trash where it belonged when it entered this house it's not worth it if someone cant keep a secret. I got very lucky. I should be somewhere else but luckily my dads a nice hearted person. I shouldn't have done any of this. This was a fucking lesson I am never ganna forget. I just wish that no harm came too that babe. I understand that it could get him in trouble but as secure of a place I thought it was I found a harsh reality.
I applaud you for taking all the comments into account and being a man and admitting your mistake.
Most of the time in threads like this, the 14 year old OP ends going off to sulk somewhere, mad at everybody who participated.


Well-Known Member
The last thing I expected was for this too happen. He was just doing his job and taking a unused t.v. reciver. He didn't say a word to the police cause by the time he left it was only a piece of matter in the trash. but it really doesn't matter anymore. What is done is done. I did fuck up. I shouldn't have started the seeds in the first place but now its trash where it belonged when it entered this house it's not worth it if someone cant keep a secret. I got very lucky. I should be somewhere else but luckily my dads a nice hearted person. I shouldn't have done any of this. This was a fucking lesson I am never ganna forget. I just wish that no harm came too that babe. I understand that it could get him in trouble but as secure of a place I thought it was I found a harsh reality.
It happened to me as well. The cops were looking for someone and ended up in my house while I was out.Long story short I came home and had to stand there while they counted my plants and shit. They can show up for tons of reasons we do not think about. Accidents, fires escaped lunatics. It was worth it IMO if you now understand that.


Well-Known Member
Exactly what I did. I never was being disrespectful too him although everyone seems too think I am.
my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................
doesn't even matter cry me a river.
this seems to me like disrespect, you also edited your first post it used to say

Wow just came home too my pieces sitting on the dinner table. I found out the tv repair guy went in my room found a glow under my closet door... Soo my dad desides too pry the hinges and uproot whats mine when hes a medical marijuana patient...... Not in a legal state but it doesnt matter a locked room with a light. gives no right for him too do what he did. I spent soooo much money on nothing just a better setup when I move. Oh and he thought he would get in trouble for no knowing soo now my plants sitting in the trash can. What the fuck I mean really? He was my motivation too start growing if that tv guy never came over yesterday I woulda been fine and dandy.
so you called him a "dumbshit" and then said he had no right to do what he did......

then you claim you didnt disrespect him, well not only did you disrespect him to the entire RIU community by calling him names you also disrespected him by performing illigal actions in HIS HOME. like i said earlier you think your an adult but a real adult realizes that his actions have consiquences to OTHER PEOPLE.

people's issue is just what i said above, your disrespect your father and his home even though he is nice enough to let your broke ass live there and when people call you out on it and tell you your the one in the wrong in the first place you act like a fucking child..instead of saying "yeah never really thought of it like that, thanks for helping me remove my head from my ass guys"
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