my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

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Well-Known Member
Shit, I did not want to come back but you are making me do it, lol
I have a problem with the term "Should be legal"
That is not a defense in a court of law. They get all hung up on "it is not legal".
Your feelings do not matter to the judge.
You want people to bitch or you want to bitch. Oh that's right you come on here and started to bitch about your dad that can barley walk who had to teach his dumb ass kid a lesson in life.. When you live in someone's house and do stupid shit you get what you deserve ... Piss ant fucker. I have one light that's worth more then your whole shitty ass so called set up..oh and the snitch is you!!!!!
Haha the only lesson is this should be legal. Its a plant not a drug and yea, I am bitching about what I worked on for my first time. I have the right too bitch and you have the right too be a prick. Even if we don't like it.


Well-Known Member
Nope. no one was, I can learn from what I did but there was no way in hell anyone was ganna get hurt over a plant that should be legal that no one that would knew about.
dude, really, they bust your fucking door down and flashbang first, they ask questions and cuff your ass later. then if they feel like it they flashbang you again while you're sitting in your own goddamn front yard cuffed in your underwear. This happened to someone near me and it happened in a medical state. There was potential to get hurt badly.They come in military style , I'm sure you'd shit yourself and not be the tough guy you are right now.


Well-Known Member
You young man are a fucking punk. You want to grow good herb and have privacy ?? Buy you own house . You are not in a medical state. You can get you dad arrested. Fuckwad.
Some of you people sound like you support the illegal status of weed.


Well-Known Member
and some of you people sound like you support the direct disrespect op has shown his own father.
And some of you act like you were mommy and daddys perfect little angel that never made a mistake or talked back... he is a 18 year old kid who smokes and justified his grow by thinking its just a plant and his dad is a medical marijuana patient even if he was wrong who wouldnt of done the same thing


Well-Known Member
too fucking funny.

mr.purplesensi likes this.

hey purple kid, i hope you understand that i am laughing at you, not with you.

you're a punk kid growing in his daddy's house, and you act like you own the place. grow the fuck up.

if you don't want to listen to me, just wait. you'll realize it on your own soon enough.


Well-Known Member
some of you are taking this more serious then the kids own farther who just ripped his plant up because he didnt want to get in trouble ... not once did he mention being in trouble for being disrespectful or for growing


Well-Known Member
And some of you act like you were mommy and daddys perfect little angel that never made a mistake or talked back... he is a 18 year old kid who smokes and justified his grow by thinking its just a plant and his dad is a medical marijuana patient even if he was wrong who wouldnt of done the same thing
and some of you sound like you must be related to op.


Well-Known Member
I do not support it but I`m not stupid enough to think people do not go to prison even if they do not agree. For me the issue is bigger here. I think the OP is probably strictly a rec user and I`m ok with that but I think he stated his dad was a med user. Even though that is illegal where he lives the dad May be using because he does not want to use hard drugs. so if the kid brings heat on the home the dad could end up on probation if the court don't buy the I didn't know story. Both are breaking the law but only one really has the right to do that in that home and it is the one paying the bills. As a med user in a legal state I can not afford to have my kids breaking laws around marijuana in my home. I can not take hard drugs due to the fact that I`m an addict so I`m fucked if the kids do anything stupid for pure entertainment value. I think if you want to smoke you should probably grow it in the hills in the summer and hide it or premises out of respect. That or get permission. That is all.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
And some of you act like you were mommy and daddys perfect little angel that never made a mistake or talked back... he is a 18 year old kid who smokes and justified his grow by thinking its just a plant and his dad is a medical marijuana patient even if he was wrong who wouldnt of done the same thing
Most of us. I don't have a grow on despite having a spare double bedroom because this is my parents house Im not a dick head. As I stated earlier, this is not like playing loud music or having a messy room, this is him putting his parents in jeopardy and breaking state and federal law because he
is a selfish cunt.


Well-Known Member
nope just dont feel a need to bash people for what we all are trying to accomplish on this website ... grow a natural plant that comes from the earth
even though it could get a guy in a wheelchair flashbanged in his underwear in his own home for having done NOTHING? this shit with natural plant , legal , get a grip, until the federal government (no matter who that is for you) says it's an ok plant then it's illegal man, what part don't you get?
and some of you people sound like you support the direct disrespect op has shown his own father.
I didn't disrespect him. I disrespected his house he got rid of what he needed too and I apologized he accepted it. He understands what I did more than anything.


Well-Known Member
even though it could get a guy in a wheelchair flashbanged in his underwear in his own home for having done NOTHING? this shit with natural plant , legal , get a grip, until the federal government (no matter who that is for you) says it's an ok plant then it's illegal man, what part don't you get?
This kid was growing one plant with CFLs in his closet ... he didnt have a grow operation going on i dont think his father was getting flashbanged anytime soon though i do get your point
even though it could get a guy in a wheelchair flashbanged in his underwear in his own home for having done NOTHING? this shit with natural plant , legal , get a grip, until the federal government (no matter who that is for you) says it's an ok plant then it's illegal man, what part don't you get?
what part of it being illegal and people still doing it do you not understand? Whats done is done and nothing can happen now I understand the risk but no agency would flash bang someone for one plant and a timer that no one knows about. If I was an idiot than I would already be in jail. It's illegal for the reasons it shouldn't be.


Well-Known Member
They do not know there is only 1 plant until they are done entering and destroying the house.


Well-Known Member
This kid was growing one plant with CFLs in his closet ... he didnt have a grow operation going on i dont think his father was getting flashbanged anytime soon though i do get your point
I don't imagine he would be the first to be popped with a grow like that but I see your point also but still can't agree with running a grow of any kind the way the op went about it. he seems to have learned from it with any luck.


Well-Known Member
what part of it being illegal and people still doing it do you not understand? Whats done is done and nothing can happen now I understand the risk but no agency would flash bang someone for one plant and a timer that no one knows about. If I was an idiot than I would already be in jail. It's illegal for the reasons it shouldn't be.
wait, this kid is asking me what part I don't understand. keep thinking that, the pigs are brutal nowadays.
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