my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

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smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
maybe dad ripped them in front of the cable guy to make a point that it is not allowed here. the cable guy may not of known or even cared what was in there. did your dad pry the hinges off in front of the cable guy? sometimes they need to check or run the cables through the closet and he needed to get in there. if your in an illegal state then your dad is not a legal med patient therefore he can be held responsible for your grow op.

someday having a grow room in your house will increase the value at the time of sale. everybody will have one.


Well-Known Member
Man that sux. I think your father messed up bigtime.
All he did was bandaid the real problem. I would have kept the plant and sent you to live with aunt whats her whatsherface! Congrats on still living indoors.


Well-Known Member
That bastard. You should show him, move out and get your own place and grow weed.

If I were your dad I would have taken your weed, spanked your ass and piss tested you once a week.
You young man are a fucking punk. You want to grow good herb and have privacy ?? Buy you own house . You are not in a medical state. You can get you dad arrested. Fuckwad.
soo what gives you the right too call me a punk? I havent done anything wrong. It was disrespectful but thats my choice. I don't give two fucks about what you say. I wanted some buds befor I move he can barley walk and I was ganna give him some. but it dont matter just hearing what people think about this is funny shit way too do nothing but bitch.
Man that sux. I think your father messed up bigtime.
All he did was bandaid the real problem. I would have kept the plant and sent you to live with aunt whats her whatsherface! Congrats on still living indoors.
Lol, for wanting too provide myself and friend with cheap buds. I guess being 18 and doing what you want is illegal but I don't give a fuck glad that every ones such a hater over a pot lover.


Well-Known Member
Wow just came home too my pieces sitting on the dinner table. I found out the tv repair guy went in my room found a glow under my closet door... Soo my dad desides too pry the hinges and uproot whats mine when hes a medical marijuana patient...... Not in a legal state but it doesnt matter a locked room with a light. gives no right for him too do what he did. I spent soooo much money on nothing just a better setup when I move. Oh and he thought he would get in trouble for no knowing soo now my plants sitting in the trash can. What the fuck I mean really? He was my motivation too start growing if that tv guy never came over yesterday I woulda been fine and dandy.
Its not YOUR room. Its a room that your dad lets you live in. Move out if you want to grow indoors. Dads house, dads rules.
That bastard. You should show him, move out and get your own place and grow weed.

If I were your dad I would have taken your weed, spanked your ass and piss tested you once a week.
LOL, I am but I am 18 no authority over me. Would be the proper thing too do but he cant even think straight.
maybe dad ripped them in front of the cable guy to make a point that it is not allowed here. the cable guy may not of known or even cared what was in there. did your dad pry the hinges off in front of the cable guy? sometimes they need to check or run the cables through the closet and he needed to get in there. if your in an illegal state then your dad is not a legal med patient therefore he can be held responsible for your grow op.

someday having a grow room in your house will increase the value at the time of sale. everybody will have one.
Naw he was just baked as shit and "Had too see what was in there..." he did throw it out and told the cable guy this makes it a petty misdemeanor.
He even used the cable guys pliers too take it. Good thing there was nothing he could use lol. Also I have done a lot of research stating that if the other person has no idea its the fallguys problem. (me)


New Member
Ur sig kills me considering the situation....haha....u afraid of the cable Guy?...hahaha.....I ain't.picking on ya lil Bro....when i was ur age I was selling acid n smoke n my dad found like $3800 in my closet n tried to take it cause he knew where it came from....he gave it bk I took it n moved out n never looked we've all done shit in our parents house that they didn't aprove of...most of us anyway...its just a funny situation....for us...not u I'm sure ur mad as hell....u played the GAME n lost....round here when u take a loss like that we say "chalk that one up to the game"...u win some u lose some in this game we all play....everybody loses every once in a while that's just part of playing...the good ones win more than they lose...ull realize this as life goes on.


Active Member
I remember when we were renting a place my mother in law owned and she came to our house when we were at work. I had 2 plants growing with my tomatoes in my outdoor garden and she ripped them up. I'm kinda glad she did because she reveled she was entering our house when we were not there... but yeah lame. And this was in California and my house. My advice WAIT. It's his house and you should respect his wishes/rules. Also, if you are under 21 you should just wait.
Ur sig kills me considering the situation....haha....u afraid of the cable Guy?...hahaha.....I ain't.picking on ya lil Bro....when i was ur age I was selling acid n smoke n my dad found like $3800 in my closet n tried to take it cause he knew where it came from....he gave it bk I took it n moved out n never looked we've all done shit in our parents house that they didn't aprove of...most of us anyway...its just a funny situation....for us...not u I'm sure ur mad as hell....u played the GAME n lost....round here when u take a loss like that we say "chalk that one up to the game"...u win some u lose some in this game we all play....everybody loses every once in a while that's just part of playing...the good ones win more than they lose...ull realize this as life goes on.
Words of wisdom, I am not really mad I messed up. I coulda made it more secure and no one woulda found out but nope. I didn't imagine the day my dad would walk up there and do this. I thought he would let it be and be fine with it but its a problem for him I took the responsibility for my loss. Thank you for your kind words. :)


Active Member
Hahahaha! You dumbass! Do that shit outside somewhere in the summer, not in your parents house when you still live there. I wish I could've seen your face when you walked in there. Hahaha! Something like this?
I meant this one that made me laugh so hard
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