my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

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Well-Known Member
Were not here to blow sunshine up your ass. I would rather hear the truth anyday if it would help me keep from fucking myself over or my family. I do think you have already dealt with it properly so I`m not bitching it is just that people just keep on saying stupid shit.
The title of the thread was my dumbshit dad. What did you expect.
my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

Glad you don't like name calling.
Shit filter is full - Out.
yup. lol he didnt know better. I think its dumb I was a little pissed when I wrote this. what do you want me to post? oh I am sorry for calling you a name on the internet that you will never see. "newsflash" it doesn't matter it just makes people angry.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
OMFG!!! ok, i just read this whole thread and WTF?!?! this is not the riu i remember. When I joined, it was to help people, not criticize and name call. To the OP, hey dude, bad idea, blah blah blah, sounds like you realize where you messed up. The rest of you guys should be banned for the way you talk to this young man.
Where did he realize he messed up? He's to this moment still trying to play victim. His dad did as his dad was perfectly entitled to do being that it was his dads house, and he's throwing a hissy fit because he doesn't find it fair. the OP is a little bitch, if you;'d read his posts, you'd understand this. He put his parents in jeopardy by breaking federal and state law but is trying to defend his actions with "well it shouldn't be illegal" :lol:

Just to revitalize a classic

Were not here to blow sunshine up your ass. I would rather hear the truth anyday if it would help me keep from fucking myself over or my family. I do think you have already dealt with it properly so I`m not bitching it is just that people just keep on saying stupid shit.
The title of the thread was my dumbshit dad. What did you expect.
Agreed it wasn't a good title and people overreact easily.
I said what I did. I probley shouldn't have but I did.
just because you can doesn't mean you should.
I don't regret anything in my life I have done.
Where did he realize he messed up? He's to this moment still trying to play victim. His dad did as his dad was perfectly entitled to do being that it was his dads house, and he's throwing a hissy fit because he doesn't find it fair. the OP is a little bitch, if you;'d read his posts, you'd understand this. He put his parents in jeopardy by breaking federal and state law but is trying to defend his actions with "well it shouldn't be illegal" :lol:

Just to revitalize a classic
Like I said people like you make me sick get your facts straight be for you go about talking shit I am a fall guy for a reason if I get caught that's my problem but now there's nothing here soo whatcha ganna do about it. post more pointless shit see what I care. You talk like your god or something trying too bring down the almighty power on me for me saying how I feel. What makes you better than me? the fact is nothing soo I only see one bitch here.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
no, if you get caught, it is your parents problem as well, you seem to keep forgetting that it is their house... You are clearly too young to know anything about how the legal system works let alone when a legal system is abused by the authorities. I'm not god, not in any way, ut i'm not a little bitch, i'm pretty certain of that much, but everything you post indicates you are a littie bitch getting their panties in a twist because life just isn't fair :lol:

And you keep stating you don't care yet keep responding to my posts, you quite clearly do care ;)

What makes me better than you, however big headed that might sound, is that i understand the notion of responsibility, the legal system, and treating my parents with the respect they deserve while living under their roof, you understand none of them and are a selfish cunt ;)
Better yet, his house, his ass. As you say he has a card but you're not in a legal state, so the card doesn't cover it.
Restpect his rules or move.
There must have been a reason you didn't tell him you were growing.................
yup. I don't really know why I didn't tell him got some seeds from my best friend and just went from there. I didnt know who too tell him soo I decided too keep it a secret wich was a mistake in the first place.


Well-Known Member
@tip top
The op is your everyday 18 yo that lives with his dad. And I did read the posts. like i said, read the whole thread. Kid was mad, and among all the garbage responses he got he was able to see the error in his ways. He has sat down and talked with his dad who doesn't care what he does, "just not in his (the fathers) house."

Also I agree with OP in the fact that "People like you make me sick..."

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
@tip top
The op is your everyday 18 yo that lives with his dad. And I did read the posts. like i said, read the whole thread. Kid was mad, and among all the garbage responses he got he was able to see the error in his ways. He has sat down and talked with his dad who doesn't care what he does, "just not in his (the fathers) house."

Also I agree with OP in the fact that "People like you make me sick..."
Not 4 or 5 posts ago he stated if he get's caught it's his problem. He clearly doesn't see the error of his ways ;) you side with him all you like though, it is clear the ype of eprson he is so if you're taking his side i'm more than happy to make you feel sick by poitning out the reality of life and not some teenage "life is unfair" ignorant bullshit.


Well-Known Member
wow just came home too my pieces sitting on the dinner table. I found out the tv repair guy went in my room found a glow under my closet door... Soo my dad desides too pry the hinges and uproot whats mine when hes a medical marijuana patient...... Not in a legal state but it doesnt matter a locked room with a light. Gives no right for him too do what he did. I spent soooo much money on nothing just a better setup when i move. Oh and he thought he would get in trouble for no knowing soo now my plants sitting in the trash can. What the fuck i mean really? He was my motivation too start growing if that tv guy never came over yesterday i woulda been fine and dandy.
***edited by me***


Well-Known Member
There should be a global respect for cannabis that transcends the day-to-day petty arguments between kids and parents. It's time for that dad to apologize for hurting a living plant - one that brings joy to many - and then buy a big bag of ganja for the whole family. I'd recommend a pound or more!
There should be a global respect for cannabis that transcends the day-to-day petty arguments between kids and parents. It's time for that dad to apologize for hurting a living plant - one that brings joy to many - and then buy a big bag of ganja for the whole family. I'd recommend a pound or more!
I completely agree this man speaks words of wisdom. My life would be miserable without this wonderful plant.


Well-Known Member
I completely agree this man speaks words of wisdom. My life would be miserable without this wonderful plant.
If that is the case i recommend giving up smoking for a little bit to work on your problems ... fix them be happy sober and you will enjoy weed that much more

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yous seem too be forgetting your talking shit about something that would get only me if he claimed "he didn't know". My life's the most unfair thing you could ever hear about I obviously don't wanna hear some prick bitch. things may be different here and that doesn't change a damn thing.
You seem to be fogetting how the legal system in the US works, wait, you don't have any undertanding of how the legal system works.. :lol: Yup, the courts would believe he had no knowledge and plum wipe him from the equation :D Cannabis law in the US is fucked, they will convict anyone for anything, or are you that ignorant? You're not even in a legal state so you have ZERO legal defense.


Well-Known Member
You seem to be fogetting how the legal system in the US works, wait, you don't have any undertanding of how the legal system works.. :lol: Yup, the courts would believe he had no knowledge and plum wipe him from the equation :D Cannabis law in the US is fucked, they will convict anyone for anything, or are you that ignorant? You're not even in a legal state so you have ZERO legal defense.
But only if you get a notarized statement from him stating he did not know and it has to be dated prior to the raid.
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