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  1. royalnut

    cloning and lighting

    You shouldn't clone in flowering because the stems that have to be cut will decrease the amount of bud you get. I guess you could try but don't expect it to work that well. You should really clone when the plant is in veg and wait about a week or two then flower the plant you took the clone(s)...
  2. royalnut

    SCISSORS - Ok for Cloning?

    Yup, make sure they are sharp as to not crush them like shrubs said.
  3. royalnut

    grow room help

    Yeah you need one. It keeps CO2 flowing in your room and keeps buds from molding from too high of humidity.
  4. royalnut

    Shroom Spores

    "Magic mushroom spores are legal to purchase in the United States except in California, Georgia and Idaho. This is because it is psilocybin and psilocin (the active chemicals in magic mushrooms) which are illegal, not the shroom spores themselves. Magic Mushroom spores do not contain...
  5. royalnut

    105w CFL-full spectrum ~ enough?

    That would be fine for vegging, but i would get 2 WARM white CFLs (the highest wattage you can find) for flowering and put those with your bulb, you wont regret it.
  6. royalnut

    Picz please of first week of flowering

    Oh, and to answer the 2nd part of your question, no, i don't think you did any permanent damage. Not the best thing to do but they'll be fine. Very nice man! How big are the girls? Do you know the strain?
  7. royalnut

    grow room with vegging and budding room

    Nope, just get expanded clay pellets and rockwool. You can get those at almost any hydro or garden center. 8 plants flowering on just fluorescents? That would take a lot of them to get good buds. If you can find a good deal on a 400w HPS (some places have used, look around. 600w might be...
  8. royalnut

    grow room with vegging and budding room

    Go hydro. Plants grow much faster and you wont be disappointed when it's time for harvest. It's more work setting up a hydro system, but once you have it going, it's super easy to maintain. Watch all 9 parts by DetroitPink and you will learn a lot!
  9. royalnut

    Such a bs anti drug video

    Lmao "you can die from marijuana impairment" WTF?! I love to watch these videos but i hate them because SOOOO many people see everything these videos say as 100% true without researching anything or even talking to a pothead while high and sober. I have a 4.2 GPA and actually started taking...
  10. royalnut

    First Post! Is this a female?

    If you could get a pic that would help. But just wait a few more days, maybe a week and you'll know for sure. white hairs = female = buds... I don't know what red hairs mean... patience is key lol
  11. royalnut

    CFL.... should i keep the metal shade on or remove it?

    I would keep the shade on because it reflects the light directly on the plants. Without it the light scatters all over the place and some is absorbed by the white walls (you could put Mylar or aluminum foil to get even more light onto the plants)
  12. royalnut

    supercropping, huh?!?!

    No prob man, if I stumble on something new I'll be sure to post it here. Happy toking!
  13. royalnut

    C02 question

    I've never heard of that before! nice! Yeah, for flowering and only when lights are on.
  14. royalnut

    Moving from CFLs for veg to sunlight for flower- problem?

    It shouldn't be a problem. The plant might wilt a little under the intense sun but just spray a few times during the day and it should get used to it. Are you in season for flowering outside? like will they actually flower?
  15. royalnut

    transplanting why?

    Exactly what Cronk said lol. Transplanting is bad for the plant no matter what, it's just sometimes necessary.
  16. royalnut

    supercropping, huh?!?!

    I would do them a couple at a time so the plant can recover from the first set. You can do it where it sprouts form the main stem, like just above that point. I don't think it would be a good idea to do it along the entire stem (i could be wrong). What it does is it makes the branch able to...
  17. royalnut

    Purple bud..

    Haha good idea man! But some strains you might want are Purple Haze: or blueberry: If given...
  18. royalnut

    C02 question

    Well on a budget better ventilation will always help. Bigger fans and intake and such. But you could get a CO2 tank and regulator and CO2 PPM reader but you could pay upwards of a grand or so, and in most states you need a license to buy a large CO2 tank. Breathing deeply in your grow room...
  19. royalnut

    How female turn to male?

    I don't know if that's even possible. I've never heard about light stress training lol but as far as I know, not possible. I could be wrong though.
  20. royalnut

    Are these balls?? Sex me up please.

    Too early to tell, post again in a few days maybe a week.