Such a bs anti drug video


Well-Known Member
man i watch this when im high, its so damn funny!!!!! ive seen it before this and i dont care


Well-Known Member
1%thc? are you shitting me? that wouldn't get you high AT ALL!!!

oh, sure, we all mix crack cocaine with our fucking WEED


Active Member
Lmao "you can die from marijuana impairment" WTF?! I love to watch these videos but i hate them because SOOOO many people see everything these videos say as 100% true without researching anything or even talking to a pothead while high and sober. I have a 4.2 GPA and actually started taking school seriously after i started smoking weed. Some dumb people smoke weed, not people who smoke weed are dumb.


Well-Known Member
"When you see Bob Marley paraphenilia, it might be something to look into further." LOL Fuck these people.


Well-Known Member
"When you see Bob Marley paraphenilia, it might be something to look into further." LOL Fuck these people.
rofl!! ive had poster and still have my little rasta men ornaments. the ash tray one, a key ring one and a wobbly head one :p

but still. i know ppl who like bob Marley an not smoke pot


Well-Known Member
the craziest lie was when they said your 3 times more likely to committ suicide. WHAT...since when has someone on marijuana commited suicide and didnt have problems elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
haha I'm going to finish watchig that later,
I want to see the new movie called stoners in the mist, suposedly its the most offensive, yet funny piece of propaganda ever.
got a link? :)


Well-Known Member
now thats just silly, how did they get people to actually be in the movie?

HAHA in their quiz it claims that marijuana smoke is the leading cause of lung cancer :P


Well-Known Member
it would piss me off if I thought anyone took this shit seriously, but I believe that most of the world watching these videos have half a brain, and that a majority of them are probably stoners watching them for kicks :P
but if people really are dumb enough to believe that kind of shit, I would be more sad than angry, I mean, theirs not much hope for us that the average person can be tricked by such dumb shit... and now adays everyone has computers so if they had at least some brain activity they would reserch what these videos tell them before blindly believing them... I mean knowing the government has somthing to do with these videosI would think people would say " oh those lieing bastards? I never liked them their probably lieing again, blabla, lie blabla."


Well-Known Member
of course an overly paranoid pothead would think the government is lying to them. you've killed too many braincells to realize that these videos are completely true and you are just a paranoid lazy stoner with no motivation to do anything with your life but grow and smoke weed:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
ahh man!!! moon why are you blowing up my spot like that!>!?!?!?!

this video wasnt all that bad, they do lie alot but not as much as older propaganda.
but one thing I found incredibly dumb on their part was the chronic candy part... they interviewd adults eating it who said ew it tastes like weed I wold never eat this... than 5 minutes later they said that it was a way to get kids into pot?!?!?! KIDS WOULD HATE THAT SHIT!!!!! if they couldnt get what seems to be ex-smokers to enjoy the beautiful taste of chronic, are kids really going to want to eat this????
and what the fuck was that couple doing taking their 5 year old kids into head shops for anyway?!?!?!

and even if kids did like it... who would stand to gain from their smoking pot other than local drug dealers, its not like the candy ciggerette thing (their analogy not mine) where the candy and cigerettes are being sold throught the world by the same person :P
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