How female turn to male?


Well-Known Member
Hello all.Please help me how i can female turn to male???I cut couple clones from mother i have SB from peak s..I need one male for seeds.???:peace:


Well-Known Member
kiss-asssex change operation is the only way,u could light stress the female to produce beans to create female seeds


Active Member
I don't know if that's even possible. I've never heard about light stress training lol but as far as I know, not possible. I could be wrong though.


Well-Known Member
just like wackymack says
u cant make a female a male but u can make it hermie with light stress or colidial silver

and all that that u can affect wich gender a seed turns out to be i personaly think is BS
i beleve its in the genetics


Well-Known Member
mix up the light schedule,like first week of flowering

some thing like that

it will stress the plant to become speratic and start to herm(u want that)

it may not affect it at all if its real good genetics


Active Member
interrupt the dark cycle!! Just turn the lights on during your plants dark period. It stresses the plants to be interrupted by lights out of nowhere then dark again and so on......


Well-Known Member
i've heard that u should just let the light on for a few hours on the dark period like
12on 4 off 4 on 4 off and so on


Well-Known Member
Thanks lot guys.I will try what you say guys.But i need male no hermie...Must wait for sensi skunk i must get male.I need try cross SBx sensi skunk,...Any idea?


Well-Known Member
Why do you want a male so bad?

1). Male will give you pollen sacks.
2). Hermie will give you pollen sacks.

nuff said.


Well-Known Member
So doesnt matter if i have hermie or male?I dont know to much about that learning how make my own strain.I love skunks i need make one good for my self.

Why do you want a male so bad?

1). Male will give you pollen sacks.
2). Hermie will give you pollen sacks.

nuff said.


Well-Known Member
if the hermie is a good strian then use the pollen form the pollen sacks and sprinkle it on the budds of your female and then that will get you some good seeds, so your just basicly breeding them. planting a male is not the only way.


Well-Known Member
Hi thank you man..good answer too.So if i will be have hermie and i have little babys i can use the polen suck for babys clones???

if the hermie is a good strian then use the pollen form the pollen sacks and sprinkle it on the budds of your female and then that will get you some good seeds, so your just basicly breeding them. planting a male is not the only way.