cloning and lighting


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow started with 3 plants now I have 1 happy female left. I was wondering if you can still clone off a plant that is in flower? If so can anyway give me a link on a simple way to do so. Also, is 100watt HPS and 3 30watt CFL on the top with 4 11watt CFL on the side enough light? The plant is 2 1/2 weeks into flower and is 17 inches tall. Any help would greatly be appreciated.


Active Member
You shouldn't clone in flowering because the stems that have to be cut will decrease the amount of bud you get. I guess you could try but don't expect it to work that well. You should really clone when the plant is in veg and wait about a week or two then flower the plant you took the clone(s) from.
This link should help you a lot. Like i said, give it a try if u have no other choice.

That is plenty of light for 1 plant. Make sure the CFLs are WARM white and i would suggest getting higher wattage bulbs instead of 4 11 watts. But even if u don't do that that is a good amount.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice. The reason i didnt try to clone sooner is i didnt know if any were females. I grew three plants out of bagseed and i didnt want to be chopping plants for no reason.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice. The reason i didnt try to clone sooner is i didnt know if any were females. I grew three plants out of bagseed and i didnt want to be chopping plants for no reason.
:blsmoke::blsmoke:think about my friend, you wouldnt have been cutting them 4 no reason,if they had been males then it would have been practice,if as it turned out fem as they have then u would have had your future stock all ready to can still clone, u have to pick the flowers off when u do it but never seen much success.:mrgreen::joint:


Well-Known Member
do i pick the flowers off while its still on the plant or after i cut it off. also just never really thought about cloning being my first grow i had so many other concerns, but now that its going well i would like to continue the good times.


Well-Known Member
do i pick the flowers off while its still on the plant or after i cut it off. also just never really thought about cloning being my first grow i had so many other concerns, but now that its going well i would like to continue the good times.
I suggest you work right now to find some good quality seeds to germinate. While doing that, let the female grow her bud. It will sap her strength, so change her light cycle back to 18/6 a week or two early. Your bud will be a little less than normal, but you can help the plant regenerate. Otherwise she is likely to die from exhaustion.


Well-Known Member
Well i'm gonna give it a shot and see what happpens. I took 3 cuttings, im using jiffy pots and shultz take root with a cfl stick lamp over some clear tuper wear as my dome. Hopefully this works out for me.


Well-Known Member
should work I use the same stuff and took two clones off one of my flowering plants (about 1.5 weeks in) and they were fine rooting and growing in a week.


Well-Known Member
Well i'm gonna give it a shot and see what happpens. I took 3 cuttings, im using jiffy pots and shultz take root with a cfl stick lamp over some clear tuper wear as my dome. Hopefully this works out for me.
its all about experimentation, even if your told it cant b done i say go for it, who knows what u going 2 learn on way,let us know how it goes,will b looking.:blsmoke::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i clone from flowering plants often. it isnt ideal but it DOES work. it just takes longer.

Garden Knowm swears by cloning in flower and is who gave me the idea to do it in this grow op.

the method for doing it is the same as normal clones.

you can veg and clone under the same lights... clones take hardly any light at all.

there is never enough light with CFL (except for clones) but what you have will work :)

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
This is my first grow started with 3 plants now I have 1 happy female left. I was wondering if you can still clone off a plant that is in flower? If so can anyway give me a link on a simple way to do so. Also, is 100watt HPS and 3 30watt CFL on the top with 4 11watt CFL on the side enough light? The plant is 2 1/2 weeks into flower and is 17 inches tall. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
OK>>> I will throw my life in front of the bus once more.

Sure you can clone from a flowered plant. I will show a bud that I snapped off at 4-5 weeks then cloned. I snapped it off on accident. And then cloned it just to see if it was possible. So 00420, you think this is wrong, bring your info foward. It does take a little longer to root. If you look at the bottom right corner of the rapid rooter, you will see the little white root startting to pop out. And then also notice the red hairs at the top of the plant from where it was flowering.

I really hope this is not going to start another arguement like I have had before with 00420.

First photo is of the first root poping from that bud in the rapid rooter, the second picture is of the plant. You can still see the bud down low on the plant.

But for myself. I always try to take my clones in the first two weeks of flowering, just after they start to show sex, and I need to thin out the lower branches for air circluation.

I am sure that the false dread lock dude Jorge has a different view thougjh.. BUT FUCK HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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