supercropping, huh?!?!


Well-Known Member
ok I was reading the GROWFAQ about this super cropping technique n it sparked my it is...

"Just take a tender branch in your fingers and pinch and twist at the same time until you feel the insides start to collapse under the pressure of your fingers. The branch might droop slightly, but this is what you want. You're actually damaging the insides of the branch."

Now my questions are
-can i do this to ALL MY BRANCHES AT ONE TIME OR DO A COUPLE THEN WAIT?? if so where at on the branch, down the WHOLE thing???!?!

-does this really work!!! lol
-any chance of not recovering and harming your plant
-can i do this if im doing the low-stress training bending technique as well
-anyone ever done this!!

any other input would be AWESOME!!
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Active Member
Yeah it works pretty good! It's like using a fan to bend the main stem to make it stronger, same idea anyway. If you break the branch off it might harm it lol, just be delicate. Can't help you with the LST part.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks! but would i do ALL the branches at one time or just a couple then wait a few days? +rep by the way thanks!


Active Member
I would do them a couple at a time so the plant can recover from the first set.
You can do it where it sprouts form the main stem, like just above that point. I don't think it would be a good idea to do it along the entire stem (i could be wrong). What it does is it makes the branch able to hold a bigger bud without falling down. Oh, and make sure you do this while in veg mode, it would be too late if you do it during flowering.
Thanks man!


Well-Known Member
i have super cropped to the best of my knowledge, just bend the branch in the middle but dont break it, what you're going for is to not break the skin on the branch but to bend it at maybe a 90 degree angle. this is my experience with it and i am pleased with my results, theyre in my signature in my journal, good luck


Well-Known Member
wait what would bending it do? i thought you were supposed to pinch or twist the stem until you hear a crack....Thanks for any help!


Well-Known Member
its what works for you, i have used bending and have had fine results its all about your technique, its the fun of growing


Well-Known Member
well im all about opening up to others techniques, thats why i ask what would the bending do? kind of like low-stress training to get more light in? How did ya go about doing this?...THANKS!


Well-Known Member
well since this is my first time i actually fucked up one of my branches by bending it too far and it half broke off the main stalk, but luckily it isnt showing any signs of stress. for the bending i hope to be able to LST at different angles to yes, expose more bud sites to lights or lack of lights i should put it. there is always someone who will tell you what you're doing is wrong but its all about what you find out about your plants, theyll tell you what works, get to know them


Well-Known Member
good line of thinking...only YOU can prevent forest fires...oh wait wrong line..only YOU know your plant best and can see what they like n dont like...I think 2morrow for sure im going to the craft store to get some sturdy string n give this a not going to rush things n start bending away, im gonna start off small n slow to see how they react to the training..thanks again!


Well-Known Member
i've been doing this to my plant every week since i started to flower.i simply take my thumb and my index finger to all of the budding stems presently. i begin to spin the plant in my fingertips until i hear and feel a snap. sometimes it takes ALOT of pressure , especially with the main stem.i wait a couple of days and then rotate between all the branches making sure to twist and snap lower and higher parts of the stem that haven't snapped already(snap in between nodes of all stems).you'll know when you've already snapped that area because you can keep twisting and there will be no snap. i 've twisted the same area before and it just spins like 720 degrees in place , no snap.i hope somebody reads this and tries this because i'm already seeing dramatic results.latr:peace:


Well-Known Member
If it's your first attempt I would just try it on a couple of branches at first and see how it goes.

I am debating whether to supercrop my plants this grow.



Well-Known Member
it works nice. just do it lower on the plant at first. lean the most part of the plant from where u bent it... wait like 3-4 days then do it again higher up if you want. and bend it down. or however you want......