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  1. KingWyrm420

    2 wk cycle?

    i read some posts and been doing sum research on the aeroponics and im convinced that this is prob the best route. im trying to add up all the prices now and im going to start buying within the next 3 wks (waiting on a check still lol). what kind of strains r u growing and what are your yeilds...
  2. KingWyrm420

    2 wk cycle?

    wen growing with hydro do u start out with nutes in the water? do u have to water the plant til the roots get long enough to come out the bottom? ive grown in soil a couple times but im new with hydro. im wanting to go wit hydro cuz its quicker. how much did u spend building ur aero setup? i got...
  3. KingWyrm420

    2 wk cycle?

    ok so areoponics is with the sprayers? i was thinking areo was where you had the plants grown above the bucket and then u have water in the bucket with airstones in it... what is this hydro called?
  4. KingWyrm420

    2 wk cycle?

    Im going to be using tap water that im going have sit for a couple of days and im going to ph the water. i dont really have anyother choice and i will prob get the RO system farther down the line cuz that 500 bones is for everything and i dont know where im going to be growing it yet as i dont...
  5. KingWyrm420

    2 wk cycle?

    ok that how i thought it was done but i wasnt for sure. if i go hydro about how much would i spend on nutes(average) for one cycle. clone to harvest. i have 500 bones to get me started and im gettin a HPS/MH light rite off the bat and wat ever i got left im using for soild lights and all the...
  6. KingWyrm420

    2 wk cycle?

    One of my Dudes has a grow setup and he gets a harvest every other weekend. im getting ready to build my grow room and i was wondering what kind of equipment should i get if i want a harvest everyother weekend. the dude is really quite bout his grow op and he wont tell me much about it. it took...
  7. KingWyrm420

    Grow room smell

    bullshit dude, plants stink even wen there in vegging. i had 2 5wk old plants still in vegging stink up my whole house. i got a 3 wk in a closet grow and its already starting to get that skunky smell
  8. KingWyrm420

    Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!

    wow i never tripped liek ne of these stories off salvia. i bought the extract mayb thats why but idk. i got a high real similar to weed but my body got really hot and i started to sweat but after like 20 min it went away, no matter how much i smoked i got the same result. i smoked a whole gram...
  9. KingWyrm420

    First time Growing Outdoors any suggestions?

    thats real nice looking for 5 wks old. i got 2 outside right now that r only 2 wks old and they r A LOT smaller than that
  10. KingWyrm420

    2nd grow

    thanks, i cant wait for next season to try again. catapillars cause bud rot? i gotta chop them friday, im heading out of state in 2 weeks and its really close to frosting here so i hope 1 week early wont affect it too much but if it does theres nothing i can do... i got a clone im going to try...
  11. KingWyrm420

    2nd grow

    its 2 plants actually but i know wat u mean im just paranoid lol. ya they have... they been through a lot im actually surprised they made it this far
  12. KingWyrm420

    2nd grow

    thanks. how much longer should i wait to harvest it? im thinking a week to 2 weeks im getting a little worried, i keep hearing tons of choppers around and on the news they had a couple busts last week and the frost is fast approaching. they might not b that big but im proud of them... i learned...
  13. KingWyrm420

    2nd grow

    yup, i just got to trust in nature to take care of them this year she through me some curveballs lol. that seedling i grew indoors... it turned out to b a male tho :( next season im hopin to do better b ut at least i got some from this year
  14. KingWyrm420

    2nd grow

    ok i planted 10 seeds in may, they were all just put in organic potting soil in 16oz cups. 8 sprouted out of the ten and i let them grow some more in the cups til they were a little bigger. 1 died during that time do to overwatering, i left them outside and it just kept raining lol. i then moved...
  15. KingWyrm420

    Lighting a chillium with a candle with no lighter or matches

    lol i used the stove to light a paper towl and then i lit a candle lol. i had to do that several times.
  16. KingWyrm420

    favorite munchies???

    hamburger with hersheys chocolate sauce and a side of spahgetti wit maple syrup on it and some pepsi and rootbeer mix to drink with it
  17. KingWyrm420

    marijuana ohio

    i just joined norml to help fight for our rights and i was looking around for some stuff with ohio and this here below caught my eye. some of this i have witnessed myself, more and more ganja is here in ohio, just today i was driving home from work and at a stop light i looked out the window and...
  18. KingWyrm420

    update- 6 foot trees

    sweet, im hoping to get a couple of those next summer, i started too late this year for them to get that big and i messed up wen i chose my spot, it only gets about 5 hours of direct sun a day, wen i finally get a day off work im going to climb the trees and cut down some branches and get some...
  19. KingWyrm420

    give them ur address?!?!?

    ya, ive always used cash, even if its for nutes and stuff, cuz i dont want them have ne of my info but i might have to start buying online or drive an hour away to the next closest hydro store
  20. KingWyrm420

    give them ur address?!?!?

    ya this is crazy, im thinking about just making my own hydro system and buying a ballast on ebay now. this pisses me off, th gov. needs to fuck off!!! well idk who decided to start taking addresses but ur right it will change soon cuz they wont b getting hardly nemore business. i wouldnt b...