Lighting a chillium with a candle with no lighter or matches


Active Member
My friend has my only lighter and I have no matches but all this bud to smoke before bed. So I decide to light paper on fire by holding it in my toaster and then I light the candle. Then I carried the candle and used to to smoke like 10-12 hits out of my chillum.

In desperate times I spark up no matter what lol :joint:

High as fuck now :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
you are one smart muthafucker.. I would have never thought of using a toaster :P
Should always have a stock of lighters/matches though..


I just smoked a bowl with my car lighter.

Pressed it against the weed in my bubbler and... stoooooooooooooned. 8D


Well-Known Member
lol why didnt u just light the candle from the cooker hob (if its a gas one) but yes, i wouldnt of thought of using a toaster. would of gone straight to the cooker.

also i hope u didnt get burnt wax on ur bong or whatever.


Active Member
Yea I'd have to walk pretty far for a new lighter and it was late. My stove is also electric so I couldn't light anything on it well.