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  1. Slushie

    Light Leaks? Second opinion? First grow Big Bang.

    Hey fellas. So i am in my first grow and I've been working to create a small closet grow. I just moved my plant under its first hps light 150 watt. I am concerned about light leaks. It is presently in veg. state about 37 days from germination. 11 inches tall. First question. Can I change my...
  2. Slushie

    Any1 ever found a shit load of weed

    I would have taken a reward. You just gave her back $2200 dollars. Without you she would have nothing.
  3. Slushie


    Is this your first grow? Im new myself but Id say its the fertilizer burning the plant. I would lay off the fert. for a little while. How old are the clones?
  4. Slushie

    need help plz

    Looks like its also time to transplant from the cup to a bigger pot with drainage.
  5. Slushie

    White flies over load

    I say clean for sure.
  6. Slushie

    outdoor growing

    Hmm. Maybe some organic nutrients to give them during feeding? Peat moss should be fine. Worm castings are great I hear. At least for organic growers. Im newb too but ive picked up some good literature by greg green and jorge cervantes. I find having a guide at your side is great. Do you have...
  7. Slushie

    White flies over load

    Ok i dont know if they would be attracted by maybe a "fly trap" ie glue tape. Grab two to three rolls and hang em up. You know what i am referring to?
  8. Slushie

    1st Week. How do my babies look?

    Very nice. I just transplanted my first to a 1.5 gallon pot. I lost 4 out of 5 during germination. Im about 25 days in. It can be intimidating. But your rockwool should transplant nicely. Good luck. Ps is this ur first?
  9. Slushie

    Fan leaves yellowing in!

    Hey bud. Newb myself. From what I hear some rain water can be toxic to the plant depending on the level of pollutants in your area ie. Urban environments. I'm using bottled water. Distilled water is best. But all in all you are most likely fine. But anything you can do to improve your grow at no...
  10. Slushie

    New inquiry. Is this normal and ok? 1st grow, Big Bang. Branches reaching upwards

    Thanks for the input. Will be transplanting in the next few days and I just grabbed my first Nute solution. For those of you interested in what i was suggested. Its an organic mix 1L bottle "Botanicare" Pure Blend Pro (3-2-4) Vegetative Formula. I want to go organic as much as I can and it set...
  11. Slushie

    New inquiry. Is this normal and ok? 1st grow, Big Bang. Branches reaching upwards

    Hey guys. 25 days into my first grow. Just want to make sure that this is ok. So my 18 hour on cycle started up and my plant looked like this. I gave it a really nice needed watering and I came back 3 or 4 hours later and it looks at though the branches are reaching up. Im not too worried...
  12. Slushie

    WHat do you think? so far....

    So far they look really nice and healthy. So that big one was started a month ago? Thats big. Nice socal weather.
  13. Slushie

    update!! is this a male? help

    Yah from a newbs perspective it looks like a male.
  14. Slushie

    First Big Bang grow. Take a look.

    Thanks for all the input. I know I probably should water it every second day so I am going to be diligent with that. This grow is on its 24th day. Using market bought potting soil. Should move to organic. As for nutes I will be shopping for them tomorrow. Cheers
  15. Slushie

    First Big Bang grow. Take a look.

    Hey everyone. Picked up a pack of 5 seeds. Unfortunately lost 4 of the five to dryness during germination. This is the one that made it. Some of the lower leaves are drying and yellowing. Any advice?
  16. Slushie

    Newb inquiry. Please Assist. Lighting and Humidity check list

    I'm going to assume that I will be told to remove the dome to keep the lights as close as possible. Heres what I'm working with.
  17. Slushie

    In need of help. Humidity check

    One has sprouted. Waiting on four more to sprout. 04/23 will be the 10th day since germination began. Will most likely lose the dome tomorrow. Thank you friendo
  18. Slushie

    In need of help. Humidity check

    Thanks for the help. I do see mist like water in the dome almost like a fogginess. So RH at %40-50 I should be fine? The jiffy peat is moist so I'll hold off on watering. Wish me luck. I honestly think I'm paranoid of losing some. They should be fine.
  19. Slushie

    In need of help. Humidity check

    Hey forums. Can someone tell me a good thread regarding maintaining humidity. My seedlings are under a dome and the RH is around %40-50. I wish to increase the levels without using a heater or humidifier. I was thinking of leaving some water in the reservoir in the dome to bring humidity up...
  20. Slushie

    No "High Times" in Honolulu, HI but plenty of Fire arms and hunting magazines

    Ok I do take back the comment regarding the availability of fire arms mags. I have a dozen friends that share interest in the hobby associated with fire arms. I respect that. Just hate the world distribution and production of fire arms. It was super tough finding High Times in HI.