
My clones are from a local club & I transferred them tou outdoor soil as they were in a rockwool cube indoors . I gave ferts to the clones and i'm starting to notice yellowing all over my girls . Could it be from the transfer from indoor to sunlight ? Or is it the fertz ?


Is this your first grow? Im new myself but Id say its the fertilizer burning the plant. I would lay off the fert. for a little while. How old are the clones?
This isn't my first grow but it's my first experience with a clone . I transferred it outdoors to soil the day I got it as instructed by the budtender and kept it in shade as I gave it a few hours of sunlight . Here's a pic of my girl , any idea what's wrong ?



Well-Known Member
should have re potted into a good soil mix,keep your eye on the nutes i would say start them on on a ec of about 1.1
It was transplanted into organic soil from a local homedepot . Do you think she'll survive ? And should I keep her in the shade ? Also I heardd rumors about leaves curling and turning yelllow once roots are growing into the soil . Could this be why ?


Well-Known Member
My clones are from a local club & I transferred them tou outdoor soil as they were in a rockwool cube indoors . I gave ferts to the clones and i'm starting to notice yellowing all over my girls . Could it be from the transfer from indoor to sunlight ? Or is it the fertz ?
It's from overwatering, when clones yellow you have watered too much too often.
I can't really picture this problem being from overwatering seeing as though I only watered it once when I planted in to it's soil . The only way I can see that as a possibility is if it can be over watered from spray(normal ph'd water) . Although I may be wrong I think I added to much fertz entirely to fast .
How long should I leave a clone in the shade before I can start getting it used to sunlight ? Does anyone know anything about this "hardening process" ? & how long till I see growth ? Thanks ahead of time for any advice :cool:
Corso312:7422966 said:
that clone is plenty big...the sun is not the problem it is the nutes
Ok , I stopped the nutes now i'm just giving regular ph tap water . But you say the clone is plenty big for the sun but when it's in direct sunlight for a max of 2 hours it starts wilting & looking dry . Any advice ?


Active Member
prune off the tips of the lower leaves or cut them in half, to get energy going toward new growth. you want to see new leaves at the top and leaves getting bigger, then branches.


Active Member
two or three days in the shade should harden them sufficiantly. Never give nutes to a plant as young as that one is if planted in soil. It has barely established a good root system and gets plenty of nutriants from the soil for its needs. I personally harden mine for a good week before I put them into the ground to lessen the shock of exposure to direct sunlight. A little more sun each day and at the end of the week they go into the ground. As far as nutes go I have seen more harm caused by overzealous feeding then by underfeeding. I don'r even think of feeding them until week 6 or so of their life, and then only 1/4 or 1/2 strength for the first feeding. If you have decent soil, then you should have no problem going without additional nutes until the plant uses up what is already in the soil, then a vigourous feeding schedule can be used.
good luck with your grow


Well-Known Member
the new growth will be fine as long as you don't nute it again...i don't cut any dead leaf off until it is crispy.. she will be fine and get bigger/stronger by the day


Well-Known Member
Ok i'll take that into consideration . Here is an updated picture on her condition . Any advice ?

take a hit n relax...she look long as she does not dry out she will thrive...that soil looks kind of mix mulch in that? or is that miracle grow organics choice?
Corso312:7432049 said:
Ok i'll take that into consideration . Here is an updated picture on her condition . Any advice ?

take a hit n relax...she look long as she does not dry out she will thrive...that soil looks kind of mix mulch in that? or is that miracle grow organics choice?
Lol will do . Thats mg organics choice . The only thing I mixed in there is manure & compost . But I flushed it once I start seeing the nute deficiency . And thanks alot for your help i'm really trying to make this as smoove as possible . And i'll do whats you said & just relax a bit.