New inquiry. Is this normal and ok? 1st grow, Big Bang. Branches reaching upwards


Hey guys. 25 days into my first grow. Just want to make sure that this is ok. So my 18 hour on cycle started up and my plant looked like this. IMG_00000110.jpg I gave it a really nice needed watering and I came back 3 or 4 hours later and it looks at though the branches are reaching up. IMG_00000111.jpg Im not too worried about it but I just wanted a second opinion. This is it with 2 more hours left in 18 hour cycle. IMG_00000112.jpg


Well-Known Member
i always heard them reaching upwards like that was a sign of not enough light or it isnt close enough. its reaching for the light.


Active Member
lol the plants bend towards the light source but when new leaves come out they start pointing up wait tell the new leaves get older and they will level off


Thanks for the input. Will be transplanting in the next few days and I just grabbed my first Nute solution. For those of you interested in what i was suggested. Its an organic mix 1L bottle "Botanicare" Pure Blend Pro (3-2-4) Vegetative Formula. I want to go organic as much as I can and it set me back about $30 taxes in. I made the investment cuz the bottle will most likely last my small stealth grow for a year or two. $1.25 a month aint bad.

Also I plan to take clones from her as she is the only 1 out of 5 that survived my newb germination. So Im vegging for at least 2 to 3 months to build strength. Who knows. She may be a dedicated Mother. We'll see. Thanks again ppl.


Well-Known Member
Normal...but that seems kind of small for 25 days of growth...make sure that you aren't that I mean only water when the pot is feather light...plants droop down when you first water them because they are trying to let excess water roll of their leaves...but as the water drains out the plant picks its leaves back up because it isn't "raining" anymore.


Well-Known Member
Are those incandescent bulbs, or the CFLs that look like incandescent bulbs? because incandescent bulbs aren't good for a whole lot of anything anymore...they put out more of their energy as heat than as light.