In need of help. Humidity check


Hey forums. Can someone tell me a good thread regarding maintaining humidity. My seedlings are under a dome and the RH is around %40-50. I wish to increase the levels without using a heater or humidifier. I was thinking of leaving some water in the reservoir in the dome to bring humidity up. Plus how much should I be watering my jiffy peat pods on a daily basis. I was thinking A little bit once daily.


Well-Known Member
spray dome, and if it stays wet/'re great. i don't use a dome for seedlings and they do fine. do not water daily. water when they need it. over-watering isn't the biggest noob mistake. be careful..


Thanks for the help. I do see mist like water in the dome almost like a fogginess. So RH at %40-50 I should be fine? The jiffy peat is moist so I'll hold off on watering. Wish me luck. I honestly think I'm paranoid of losing some. They should be fine.


One has sprouted. Waiting on four more to sprout. 04/23 will be the 10th day since germination began. Will most likely lose the dome tomorrow. Thank you friendo