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  1. P

    Help = Very low harvest?

    unfortunately if the hairs are all brown then it seems the plant is at the end of its cycle, and flowering it for another 4 years wont get anymore bud, it will need to go into veg, and then reflower to bud again. its possible that you may have blind spots in your bulb. i used to run a 400w hps...
  2. P

    ams auto nutriance

    ive had regular ams before, quite a simple plant that looks after itself, and obviously as the name says its Anti Mould System makes it perfect for uk growers. with an auto i wouldnt expect to see anything until week 4-5, though outdoor may be diffrent, we have some decent weather atm so i hope...
  3. P

    My first LST

    are they in flower yet? if not then your gonna end up with 8ft plants lol, and the possibility of them already being rootbound. it looks like the one on the left is a kush? if so then unless your running over 1000w then i doubt youl see anything appear on the bottom few nodes. keep your eyes on...
  4. P

    LST slowly cutting my plant in half

    i agree with squid, you should cut it and retie at a safer place, it looks to me like its continually cutting into the stem and therefore wont heal until it rips it off! i tend to just loop string over the stem i wanna bend and then fix the 2 ends to the pot, this makes it easier if you wanna...
  5. P

    Auto flower not flowering yet

    its true that some autos arent solid enough to always stick to there path and will need 12/12 to flower, but you dont switch the light back at all, it stays on 12/12 if its week 3 total then you wont really see anything just yet, autos are a typical 10 week plant and in my opinion you wont get...
  6. P

    Starting small and Staying simple

    it would make more sense to do it on a window sill than use a 100w bulb. not sure what type of fun or love of growing that is....unless you like being cruel to plants!
  7. P

    Moldy weed from not being airtight?

    theyl get mouldy IF theyre airtight n damp. ..if its already dry youl be fine storing it. not sure if you have mould, pics would help, but as youve already smoked one it should be fine, youd be very sick otherwise as smoking mould is dangerous.
  8. P

    Help = Very low harvest?

    i think heat may be a big issue here, from what you described above, it sounds like a similar problem a friend of mine had. pistols were forming where bud should be, but there was no bud... i think he ended up with about 7 useable grams off 6 plants. using 2 1000w lamps and a 400w would give off...
  9. P


    soil holds a lot of water, you may think its dry, but the bottom of the pot is still wet enough to feed the plant for another day or 2. this can be the cause of mushrooms if your overwatering the soil. just check from the bottom of the pot next time your due to water them.
  10. P

    ams auto nutriance

    check your strains are 100% auto, or your gonna end up with 8ft plants. a lot of auto strains are not 100% solid, and tend to need 12/12 before theyl bud, if your in the uk then they wont start budding until september, and youl be in danger of frost before they finish. so just do a bit of...
  11. P

    Do you guys let underdeveloped nugs that didn't get much light mature after harvesting?

    after lst i would remove anything from the lower branches, if it cant get enough light its gonna end up sucking power from the rest of the plant and reduce your yield. although... id reccomend not removing anymore than 3 branches a day/other day, as your gonna end up stressing out the plant. you...
  12. P

    mutant plant

    seen many plants start off like this. i wouldnt say its nutes as ive seen it happen in fresh basic compost! ...just let it grow out n itl be fine! and dont worry if it grows slow, it should sort itself out in flower, ive had a 3cm plant in veg end up pumpin out over 1oz of solid bud!
  13. P

    Exodus Cheese

    personal opinion with ghs exodus is to let it grow naturally. tried many attempts at lst only to yield less each time. plant seems to like stretching a little, it helps in flower, the buds dont usually clump together but tend to ball up. by far the best cheese ive come accross. sometimes smells...
  14. P

    AMS start of week 4

    ams is a great plant, never got it to yeild a lot but was a lovely final product
  15. P

    What is taking so long?

    its common for autos to not flower on more than 12 hours light. you have to understand that its a type of lowryder crossed with a regular plant, so imo its still too early for a solid strain to exist in most auto strains.
  16. P

    storing seeds

    had 16 seeds in a 35mm film case for 10 years on a shelf in the living room, they all sprouted. as long as theyre dry, and free from humidity theyl be fine.
  17. P

    My First LST, Input and Advice Please ;-) PICS

    in my own opinion looking at the first lst pic you may end up with the stem splitting, the very bottom looks bent too much...although that wont really cause much issues, it may slow growth a lot... when lsting i find it better to let the first 3 nodes grow upward, and then start bending, this...
  18. P

    Time to throw in the towel?

    had a purple haze plant that never grew over 3inches after 2 months, decided to just leave it in the ended up no bigger than a foot long and ended up being just 1 massive bud that weighed nearly 2oz...was by far the heavyest smoke of all the plants too!!
  19. P

    how long can soil sit?

    in a pot it should be ok, if its in a plastic bag then you may get maggots!
  20. P

    Is it okay to revert a plant back to vegetative state if it's in preflower?

    simple answer.....yes! although it could take upto 6 months fpor the plant to get into a proper veg cycle (though the longest ive seen is 3 months) .... the hermie problem in my experience is rare, but can happen if you either put it into flower before its in a fixed veg cycle, or if your crap...