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  1. Pipsterize

    Insta Trippy *_• Pen Drawings

    Hey guys I'm an aspiring trippy artist. Follow me on Instagram @nighhtcrawlerr and check out some craziness :)
  2. Pipsterize

    Need Questions Answered for My Setup

    THe size of the pot only matters with root space, i would still go about 8-10 inches
  3. Pipsterize

    Tell me this isnt genius!!!

    I wasnt even gonna have a guard on it just do it by eye
  4. Pipsterize

    Tell me this isnt genius!!!

    Think about this, trimming your bud, not with scissors, or expensive ass auto trimmers, what about.. hair clippers? has anyone tried this. I will have to wait till my next harvest to try it but i think it will work great! What do you guys think???
  5. Pipsterize

    Need Questions Answered for My Setup

    hahaha thats awesome well then i would do prolly about 8-10 inches. silver haze sounds nice...
  6. Pipsterize

    where did my bud go

    Lemme ask you this then, what is the temp of the room at night? i would recommend seeing a drop of 10-15F than during the lights on time
  7. Pipsterize

    Need Questions Answered for My Setup

    sorry bud i thought my posts didnt go through, the top of the pot, the base of the plant =]
  8. Pipsterize

    Pics and info from my first attempt at growing...comments/tips wanted!

    They are definetly over watered and very stretchy, you def need more light even if its some regulat flourecents, the plants will notice it. and you dont have a very tall grow space, so i would consider scrog (screen of green) because you basically set the limit on how tall they will grow, and...
  9. Pipsterize

    Need Questions Answered for My Setup

    A screen with 2x2 holes are ideal. Dog kennel fencing is perfect! and i would set the screen 10-14 inches away from the base.
  10. Pipsterize

    Help! Plants not looking good...

    i hate to say it but she isnt looking to good, dont get too worried though these plants are troopers and they adapt very well. It does look over watered, i would suggest transplanting it with some added perlite and some gravel at the bottom for drainage, and if she comes back give her a couple...
  11. Pipsterize

    Need Questions Answered for My Setup

    Since you are doing smaller plants but more of them (the way i do it) you should have it about 12-14 inches about your base. and 2x2 squares are perfect for all scrogs, and you can lst as soon as you have a few branches,
  12. Pipsterize

    where did my bud go

    I think your problem is too lil nitrogen during the flower phase, yes you want more p but its still all about balance! without enough nitro the leaf matter itself will start decaying almost from the inside out. With your next grow i would add 1/3 more n during your flower phase and see if that...
  13. Pipsterize

    Will it survive.....:( wounded plant....

    Dont even do all that, just zip tie it, you basically just topped your plants, itll look like its not growing for a couple days but after it heals its gonna explode in growth, not only should i survive it should thrive! lets face it all our scars make us a lil tougher.
  14. Pipsterize


    Are you usind dwc for your bucket plants? and i would go with advanced nutrients, voodoo juice is a great starter nute as it makes your babies roots go crazy big and covered in fibers. Also their jungle juice system is pretty awesome and is def worth the money. (and pretty idiot proof) If you...
  15. Pipsterize

    where did my bud go

    How far away are you keeping your lights? What kinda nutes did you use in your flower stage? Is it indica or sativa?
  16. Pipsterize

    Advanced Nutrient users!

    Advanced Nutrients is wonderful, they are definetley more expensive, but i feel its the aston martin of nute setups. I would just go with the grow micro boom set up, and fora ll the other additives you just add in 2ml/L. Voodoo juice is amazing, if you start your plants first 3 weeks with that...
  17. Pipsterize

    Need Questions Answered for My Setup

    I happen to love lst with scrog. It is optimal for limited space. And you can def get a system going. Take clones while your others are veging. By the time your other plants are done flowering, those clones should have vegged enough to go into their own flowering cycle. Its all about timing. And...
  18. Pipsterize

    Help! Plants not looking good...

    It is very hard to say if it will make it. How big was it before you transplanted? Have you seen any additional growth at all? And yes you should cut off the dead leaves so the plant can put more energy to the ones that may still be alive.
  19. Pipsterize

    Scrog lighting help please plase plase!

    Thank you for putting my point in way better words!
  20. Pipsterize

    Scrog lighting help please plase plase!

    Thanks guys, i did put a lot of thought into my setup and im glad you guys approve, and yes it is 4 feet across but i still have plenty of room on each side so i think i should be able to reach and train with out falling on my plants! XD