Scrog lighting help please plase plase!


Hey fellow stoners, i got a couple questions for you lighting experts out there. Yeah that means YOU!. Basically i have a grow shed that i am in the process of converting to a nice scrog set up. I plan on having two huge screens. one on each side with a walkway through the middle that leads to my clones. Each screen is gonna be 4x6 foot, 24square feet. I heard for scrog you need about 50 watts per square foot. Can you guys rep for that? That just seems like so much light ( i know the more the better) but i feel that would just produce way to much heat in the size of my grow area. Going with 50 watts a square foot comes out to 4x 600w HPS blulbs. I plan on having 15-20 plants under each screen, on an advanced nutrients hydro setup in rock wool. Ventiliation wont be a problem, i just am trying to figure out what light setup would be optimal. Thanks guys and good vibes to yall.


New Member
hey bud, what you are describing is not a scrog. it's just a trellis net. scrogs are a net for 1 plant. you train the plant to give you multiple bud sites. trellis nets are just to support the weight of the branches after the buds start to fatten up. sounds like you are growing a sog. 12-20 plants in a 4x6 area? that means really short plants that probably aren't lst'd or even topped. you won't need a net for them. they won't be tall enough. just skip the nets and everything. set your plants up based on lighting footprint. 5x5 for a 1000w, 4x4 for a 600w. 16 plants all 1sq.ft. in space will give you a perfect square of 4 plants by 4 plants under a 600w light.


Its def a scrog i just wasnt gonna get all into the setup of it.They will not be topped but will be low stress trained so the canopy will be as even as possible. The screen is gonna be about 18-20 inches from the base with 2x2 squares. and once the screen in 75% full i will switch to flower, i am using that many plants because of less veg time, and im in the process of making my own strain so the more plants showing different characteristics the better. and how is it not a scrog if there is more hten one plant. yes some people do it with only one, but im looking for a lot smaller plants all trained under the same sreen. I am not using the screen for support, so i can position the nodes so they will bud right up through the screen, elimating most of the fan leaves from the way of the buds.


New Member
Its def a scrog i just wasnt gonna get all into the setup of it.They will not be topped but will be low stress trained so the canopy will be as even as possible. The screen is gonna be about 18-20 inches from the base with 2x2 squares. and once the screen in 75% full i will switch to flower, i am using that many plants because of less veg time, and im in the process of making my own strain so the more plants showing different characteristics the better. and how is it not a scrog if there is more hten one plant. yes some people do it with only one, but im looking for a lot smaller plants all trained under the same sreen. I am not using the screen for support, so i can position the nodes so they will bud right up through the screen, elimating most of the fan leaves from the way of the buds.
you are SUPER confused bud. i don't think you are grasping what a SCROG (Screen of Green) is. you are talking about a SOG (Sea of Green). a scrog is 1 plant trained to many bud sites under a netting. you don't have 15-20 plants under a 4x6 netting for scrog. max you would have is MAYBE 2 plants. probably 1.


That would be the case if i were to veg them for the normal amount of time, but with that many plants you dont have to veg nearly as long, this set up has cut my pasts harvest times in almost half, with almost the same amount of dry weight. Here is a link to show you that I am not super confused and its quite possible and fairly easy to have numerous plants under one screen. A SCROG is the same thing as SOG except with the screen. You want a canopy with all the branches set up so their nodes are basically all woven through so only the buds go past the screen. I guarentee im not confused bud, maybe you should do a lil more research. Scrog is just a technique, there is no limit to the number of plants, its just how you train the plants to grow.


New Member
dude. i'm not arguing with you anymore. i tried to help. i gave you great advice. you just choose to be stubborn. great forum attitude.

you are growing a SOG not a SCROG. don't believe. stick around and see what others have to say. and your video does nothing but prove my point. he's got 8 plants under a 4x8 screen giving each plant a 2sq.ft. space on the screen. called mini scrog. you want to do 15-20 plants on a 4x6 screen. you won't be able to top or train the plants bro. you won't have the room.

you are confused. i've been growing and helping growers for a long time. you are not describing a scrog with what you want to do. i can tell by the questions you are asking that you are new to this. don't believe me; i could care less. best of luck to you. i tried to help.


Sorry man i really wasnt trying to be rude, i was just trying to get my set up/plans across without too much explanation. Im really not that new to growing just this technique itself. However i do get what you are saying, and you have helped, i apologize if i didnt make you aware of. Thank you bud, you have been much help.


Active Member
Scrog is intended for only one or two plants you have to veg the plants a lot longer than normal to get it to fill out the screens. Sorry nuglets knows what he is talking about. Sog is the method u have described take good advice when it presents itself.


Well-Known Member
24 plants under a 4 x 6 screen, even!
4' x 6' = 24 sq.'............if ya take 24 plants and mini-ScrOG them, with independent one sq. ft. screens, and push them all they stop being ScrOG?
i like more screen room, but denser ScrOG's fill the screen faster. one sq. ft. is all it takes to ScrOG


Well-Known Member
He's working with 0 lights. That's what the original question is about...he figures he needs 4x600w and he's right. 2 x 600w for each 4x6 area.

16 plants is about 1.5 sqft per plant and yes it would seem pointless...but canopy control is never pointless, regardless of the method you use to achieve it.

Grow Safe


Well-Known Member
Hey fellow stoners, i got a couple questions for you lighting experts out there. Yeah that means YOU!. Basically i have a grow shed that i am in the process of converting to a nice scrog set up. I plan on having two huge screens. one on each side with a walkway through the middle that leads to my clones. Each screen is gonna be 4x6 foot, 24square feet. I heard for scrog you need about 50 watts per square foot. Can you guys rep for that? That just seems like so much light ( i know the more the better) but i feel that would just produce way to much heat in the size of my grow area. Going with 50 watts a square foot comes out to 4x 600w HPS blulbs. I plan on having 15-20 plants under each screen, on an advanced nutrients hydro setup in rock wool. Ventiliation wont be a problem, i just am trying to figure out what light setup would be optimal. Thanks guys and good vibes to yall.

You are absolutely correct, an easy measure of the light required would be 50w/sqft of canopy. Your ScrOG set up sounds good, except you will probably not need 20 plants for 24 sqft of screen, probably more like 12-16. And I would put the screen 10 inches above the medium, so that you don't have as long a veg time, and you won't have so much foliage under the screen.

The only other problem is that 4 feet of width is a long way to reach under to tuck branches, so I hope you have long arms.



Thanks guys, i did put a lot of thought into my setup and im glad you guys approve, and yes it is 4 feet across but i still have plenty of room on each side so i think i should be able to reach and train with out falling on my plants! XD


24 plants under a 4 x 6 screen, even!
4' x 6' = 24 sq.'............if ya take 24 plants and mini-ScrOG them, with independent one sq. ft. screens, and push them all they stop being ScrOG?
i like more screen room, but denser ScrOG's fill the screen faster. one sq. ft. is all it takes to ScrOG
Thank you for putting my point in way better words!


Well-Known Member
I am with you on this one, not that there is a limit to how many plants a SCRoG can have, but definately there is a plant/sq ft ratio that should be considered to effectively call the growing technique a SCRoG.

It will be extremely hard to have any good veg length with that many plants which sort of makes it a shitty SCRoG but a descently trained SoG but a SCRoG none the less I guess :wall:



Active Member
I am with you on this one, not that there is a limit to how many plants a SCRoG can have, but definately there is a plant/sq ft ratio that should be considered to effectively call the growing technique a SCRoG.

It will be extremely hard to have any good veg length with that many plants which sort of makes it a shitty SCRoG but a descently trained SoG but a SCRoG none the less I guess :wall:

Thanks for saying that cause I didn't know how to put it. Scroglodyte did ring in with information that made me realize what was being used but i thought you had to train longer for Scrog anyway and that was the trade off longer veg time for bigger buds.
But then again I don't know anything about Cannabis anyway. So my words should not matter.


New Member
I am with you on this one, not that there is a limit to how many plants a SCRoG can have, but definately there is a plant/sq ft ratio that should be considered to effectively call the growing technique a SCRoG.
It will be extremely hard to have any good veg length with that many plants which sort of makes it a shitty SCRoG but a descently trained SoG but a SCRoG none the less I guess :wall:

Thanks for saying that cause I didn't know how to put it. Scroglodyte did ring in with information that made me realize what was being used but i thought you had to train longer for Scrog anyway and that was the trade off longer veg time for bigger buds.
But then again I don't know anything about Cannabis anyway. So my words should not matter.
just goes to show you that you have to be careful who you take advice from on these sites. even mods and admins can be WAY wrong sometimes. just cause they are staff doesn't mean they know anything about growing.


Well-Known Member
just goes to show you that you have to be careful who you take advice from on these sites. even mods and admins can be WAY wrong sometimes. just cause they are staff doesn't mean they know anything about growing.
Bro, have you harvested even 1 bud...ever?


New Member
let's try this again and see why someone keeps erasing my posts. maybe i put too many pics in it. since slump here only put 3 pics of some very airy looking foxtailed buds i will put 3 pics of mine on day 18.

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