Scrog lighting help please plase plase!


Well-Known Member
Yes! Very Airy but I like my bud that way. Might get like 8-9oz off my entire 2k watts this run though...that'll double what I did last harvest.

Also, can you run down your entire nutrient line and feeding schedule so I can try it out next run? +rep if you'll do that for me bro.

Thanks man!


New Member
i'm gonna pull 1lb at least off a 600w light. these 4 plants have been vegged for 2 months and lst'd the whole time. i removed all of the stakes the first week of flower though. let them grow up.

nutrients...for veg it's just sensi 2 part, voodoo juice, and cal/mag (superthrive a few times)

for flower it's connoisseur 2 part, (piranha, tarantula, voodoo juice) first 2 weeks. overdrive, bud candy, sensizyme, rhino skin, cal/mag throughout.


Active Member
i'm gonna pull 1lb at least off a 600w light. these 4 plants have been vegged for 2 months and lst'd the whole time. i removed all of the stakes the first week of flower though. let them grow up.

nutrients...for veg it's just sensi 2 part, voodoo juice, and cal/mag (superthrive a few times)

for flower it's connoisseur 2 part, (piranha, tarantula, voodoo juice) first 2 weeks. overdrive, bud candy, sensizyme, rhino skin, cal/mag throughout.
Please, go make your own thread if you want to talk about your plants and 'your way to scrog' theres a ton of ways to do just one thing..

As to the OP.. You need only read this post. Solid advice.

You are absolutely correct, an easy measure of the light required would be 50w/sqft of canopy. Your ScrOG set up sounds good, except you will probably not need 20 plants for 24 sqft of screen, probably more like 12-16. And I would put the screen 10 inches above the medium, so that you don't have as long a veg time, and you won't have so much foliage under the screen.

The only other problem is that 4 feet of width is a long way to reach under to tuck branches, so I hope you have long arms.



Well-Known Member
Back to the point.If it was me I would have a seperate area, 4x4 and a 400w Mh for veg and be putting 6 plants under each 6x4 screen. Maybe 4x400, but preferably 4x600. Possibly get away with 2X1000?
P.s. 8-9oz out os 2KW? Are you sure? I used to double that with a 600. I've downgraded now and hope to be getting that out of my new 250w halfpipe scrog when I've got my new setup dialled in.