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  1. hannahislost

    bottom leaves slowly die and fall off

    One at a time the bottom leaves are turning yellow and falling off....whyand what can I do to save my baby??? The bottom half of the plant is droopytoo
  2. hannahislost

    How Bad Are Hermies?

    Thank yall... Im not really worried about seeds... I dont mind them... as long as its smokable.
  3. hannahislost

    How Bad Are Hermies?

    Are hermies still smokable?
  4. hannahislost

    Flowering Pics ONLY

    Haha can I join?
  5. hannahislost

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    They're so cute.
  6. hannahislost

    Is This Wild Cannabis?

    Lucky bitch! Someone may have planted seeds there. I knew people who would go into a woodsy area and do that.
  7. hannahislost

    Vacation and Watering?

    I will be going on vacation for about 2 weeks. What should I do about watering. I dont have someone to do it for me.
  8. hannahislost

    Take a look at my gals

    They look really good :) about how tall are they?
  9. hannahislost

    WTF is her f*cking problem?

    What you need to do is ask her what her problem is. Tell her exactly how you feel. She needs to know that you have a problem with her. Tell her she needs to fix it or you will leave her. Even if you wont leave her. Maybe her problem is deeper than it seems. You have to get her to talk about it...
  10. hannahislost


    Is there a certain size for seeds or do the come in different sizes. I received some small seeds that still look good, but before that I had only seen big ones. Is this normal? Is it ok?
  11. hannahislost

    Seed Sizes?

    Do seeds come in different sizes. Does size vary from plant and/or strain? I have only seen one size. I just reseved some small ones but the look "ripe" or "ready" for growth.
  12. hannahislost


    What do the packages look like?
  13. hannahislost


    I was just wonderin what everybody thinks of nirvana seedbank. Good or bad?
  14. hannahislost

    Coca seeds

    Can someone tell me where I can get some coca seeds?
  15. hannahislost

    Watering germinated seeds

    You should wait until the soil it completely dry.
  16. hannahislost

    Not Flowering

    I love popcorn. Nice tast and great high.
  17. hannahislost

    Sativa, Indica

    Yeah I know. I just wanted to know if it was true because I really want to make mine more sativaish. I like the high.
  18. hannahislost

    First Time I Smoked Salvia..NEVER AGAIN

    When I did salvia once, I went to the restroom to go pee and I set my purse down by the door. I couldnt stop laughing because it seemed like my purse was guarding the door for me. It looked so cute sittin there keepin people out. It was really fun.
  19. hannahislost

    If You Could Invent Something What Would It Be?

    Well Im not gonna tell you so you could steal my idea. Thats for sure.