Watering germinated seeds

Hello friends,

Just a quick question about seedlings in soil.

Have 6 germinated seedlings just planted in pro mix HP. Spikes were about 1/2 inch long.

Obviously the soil comes dry so I was just wondering about a simple watering schedule for these little girls. Don't want to overwater them. I've never had experience from sprout in soil.

How much water should they get right away? Should the water be PH 'd for seedlings?I haven't put any water in the soil as of planting them 5 minutes ago. Should I use a weak nutrient solution right away or give them a few days to get adjusted?

Any information is appreciated.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
At only 1/2" long they are unlikely to need more than 1-2 tbls. of water every 2-3 days depending on how moist the pro mix was kept for germination and the temp. of your grow room. Fertilizers are NOT recommended at this early stage and are the cause of almost more early-deaths than overwatering. Wait a minimum 3 weeks before adding a highly diluted fertilizer solution. Testing the pH is not critical until you begin adding fertilizers to your solution, assuming you are using normal tap water which most municipalities keep between 6.9 and 7.1.
At only 1/2" long they are unlikely to need more than 1-2 tbls. of water every 2-3 days depending on how moist the pro mix was kept for germination and the temp. of your grow room. Fertilizers are NOT recommended at this early stage and are the cause of almost more early-deaths than overwatering. Wait a minimum 3 weeks before adding a highly diluted fertilizer solution. Testing the pH is not critical until you begin adding fertilizers to your solution, assuming you are using normal tap water which most municipalities keep between 6.9 and 7.1.
Very useful info. Thank you.

Tap PH here is 8.0, which has never affected growth before. So I think that's fine.

Room temperature is ~75 with a humidity of ~20%. I gave them around 6-7 tablespoons per pot before I read your post. 1 quart pots. Pretty much just dampened the top of the soil.


Well-Known Member
Generally you want to soak the soil and let it dry for a day or two before planting into it. Helps saturate the soil evenly without you having to drown the little guy on the first watering. Might watch out for that pH as well. They might grow in it but not as well as 6.5-6.8.


Well-Known Member
are you saying you planted in bone dry Pro Mix straight from the bale ?
I like to pre moisten it a week before using it to let the lime react with the peat moss. There'snutrients in pro mix btw.
are you saying you planted in bone dry Pro Mix straight from the bale ?
I like to pre moisten it a week before using it to let the lime react with the peat moss. There'snutrients in pro mix btw.
Yes. Bone dry right out of the bag. It's not bone dry anymore of course.
Generally you want to soak the soil and let it dry for a day or two before planting into it. Helps saturate the soil evenly without you having to drown the little guy on the first watering. Might watch out for that pH as well. They might grow in it but not as well as 6.5-6.8.
Thanks. I'll hope for the best and make sure I PH the water down for the next watering in 4-5 days.