If You Could Invent Something What Would It Be?

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
well :bigjoint:

i would invent something that would erase memory like change peoples lives

most people have things they wanna forget I would love to forget movies xD
thats the main reason cause comedy aint like what it was
i love laughing that much u cry xD


bud bootlegger
A mj seed that vegetated in 2 weeks and rready for harvest 1 week later.
but i had thought that bcseeds already had such a seed stoned.. and you forgot the part about 50% thc and three pounds per plant.. i'm glad that bcseeds didn't forget about that part, lol..


Well-Known Member
a seed that would produce poppys drpping wth BHO and filled with gooey earwax hash. And it wont show on a piss test.


Well-Known Member
I would invent a pill to increse Penis Size.

uhh err, I mean for those who need it. *ahem cough*

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I would invent a way to tax this country back in to prosperity...awww crap I'm too late. Obama is trying to patent that.


Active Member
I thought about kite flying to harvest wind power. Seems people already beat me to it.


Well-Known Member
i would invent a bag that holds and endless supply of weed then i would walk around throwing buds everywhere leaving a trail of buds behind me