If You Could Invent Something What Would It Be?


Well-Known Member
I'd invent a real "007" style jetpack... like a good one. Not like this one though it is very cool:



Active Member
If I could invent anything it would be a witchy potion to magically stop my kids from non stop bickering and make them do as I say without arguing.

jimmy jones

Active Member
I actually do have a really good idea for all us deer hunters out there. If I can confirm that no such product exists, I WILL be getting a patent.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
A form of covilization that doesn't always end up in total and utter failure.

Or i';d like to invent a kick ass weaponized space ship with big shields and such, lay claim to lots of planets then really piss the worlds defense and spy agenncies off as i start to take down all the defense satelites and rockets sent to launch new ones :lol: fuck you and respect my authoritah!! bad snake! bad snake!

I actually do have a really good idea for all us deer hunters out there. If I can confirm that no such product exists, I WILL be getting a patent.

Flat pack deer farm? Just add water

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
a machine that I can give my hard of hearing husband that will repeat everything I say so I won't have to say all over again.


Well-Known Member
I'd make a machine so you can punch someone in the face through the internet.After the hit it closes up so when they try and swing back they break/cut there hand.
I'd be a millionaire selling it for a day to people on this site.


Well-Known Member
I'd make a machine so you can punch someone in the face through the internet.After the hit it closes up so when they try and swing back they break/cut there hand.
I'd be a millionaire selling it for a day to people on this site.
PLus Rep for that one LOL