Not Flowering

Little L

Active Member
Growing from seed as opposed to clone for first time.

Flowering not started yet after 10 days of 12/12

Is this normal for growing from seed? We normally get signs of flowering after 5 days when growing from clones


Well-Known Member
Growing from seed as opposed to clone for first time.

Flowering not started yet after 10 days of 12/12

Is this normal for growing from seed? We normally get signs of flowering after 5 days when growing from clones
On my last grow I had a mixed variety of plants and started seeing the first signs of flowering in 9 days with the exception of 2 - 100% sativa straing which showed initial signs in 16 days. Also keep in mind that they might not have been mature enough. Get up in there and really scope it out - I'm sure there's a pistil or two you just havn't seen yet. A few more days won't hurt :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
it will always take longer for a seed to show than a clone because the clone is already a mature plant just small, but a seed has to mature before it can start to flower.


Well-Known Member
another idea would be o induce bloom (24 hours of darkness), however, i wouldnt do it now, the erratic light schedule could cause hermie issues.. wait til your next harvest with this strain and induce if you feel it necessary.... once i know i have all fems, i stop inducing... jmo


Well-Known Member
mine took 2 weeks to start flowering too. But she is beautiful and full now, no worries.
Just make sure there is no light getting to the plant during the darkness period and you'll be fine. Good luck
let us know how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
I just recently learned that a plant reaches maturity, and is ready to flower, when the stems start alternating their growth from the stalk, rather than growing directly opposite of each other. So if growing from seed, force flowering an immature plant may take longer.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
You are just getting into your window for sexing now....the next ten days will tell ya what you wanna know....that is quick sexing for clones...but I usually only take clones when I know a plant is I wouldn't have to sex em


Well-Known Member
I just recently learned that a plant reaches maturity, and is ready to flower, when the stems start alternating their growth from the stalk, rather than growing directly opposite of each other. So if growing from seed, force flowering an immature plant may take longer.
Love the avatar... furry freak stoner comic book ever...

+rep for the memories..


Well-Known Member
Love the avatar... furry freak stoner comic book ever...

+rep for the memories..
Thanx mon! Yeah, I love the Freak Brothers comics. We used to make a special trip down to Old Town in Chicago back in the 70's just to get them. Lots of cool headshops back then.


Well-Known Member
Um, the branch growth pattern changes from symetrical to asymetrical because of flowering being induced by light change, not as a sign the plant is ready or maturity. Preflowers are a sign of sexual maturity and if you didn't wait for preflowers that might be why its taking a while, its not sexuallu mature yet..

Also from seed its uaually about 2 weeks till visible signs of flowering.
If your from the south, you have heard of popcorn weed. Well i couldnt afford or trust online seed banks cause ive heard bad things. So i started my hydroponic plants from some plain old popcorn seeds. Luckily i have two female plants out of three. But i was just woundering if this was a bad move or is this gonna produce some nice pot. Its seems to definatly be a sativa but with some indica traits. Has anyone ever used some cheap seeds, and grown it hydroponically? Will it be better than the sack of popcorn that i got the seeds from??


Well-Known Member
"Um, the branch growth pattern changes from symetrical to asymetrical because of flowering being induced by light change, not as a sign the plant is ready or maturity"

Wrong - When growing from seed I wait until I have alternating nodes before I start flowering. Alternating nodes are a sign of maturity.