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  1. T

    To harvest or not to harvest

    I did what looks like the exact same thing (too much phosphoric acid) right when I changed to 12/12. As of today (day 51 of 12/12) all the fan leaves are gone and the damage done is done, but I flushed and gave light nutes and all the new growth has been fair to good. The stems have all...
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    Lime green leaf question with pics

    I used to do that, but had an aerator in the bucket, letting water sit lets it lose the air trapped in it the roots need
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    Does anyone water cure there bud?

    @ asdewqasdfgh - If you read the above you may have stumbled over the part where it was stated not many of the trichs were lost in the process. I have used this method and have never seen much fall of in the water, and I would assume I lose more trichs hanging then jarring and burping. You...
  4. T

    Quick drying and Vaporization

    vape it till it's crispy then pack it in the bong, (try not to let the shame of your desperation harsh your buzz)
  5. T

    anything here smokeable/ cut her ass down now?

    looks to me like its more male than female. definitely a hermie. from everything I've read here and elsewhere says that a seed from a hermie will most likely produce a hermie.
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    Lights out question

    He never said this was a fact but a personal theory. I seem to recall reading how plants have different measures for dealing with periods of intense light (like a high noon sun at the equator on a clear day), and it would seem to me that this would play a role in the development of a plant that...
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    Freeze drying?

    I've read elsewhere that some have had success with this. I have also read that by removing all the moisture you will never be able to properly cure, it will always taste green. The real reason I found nobody does this is the cost of the equipment to do it. now then again you could freeze...
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    God damn PH!!

    Total alkalinity is important for stable PH. you may need to increase the total alkalinity of your water. Important to get total alkalinity right THEN adjust ph.
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    I just wish the bud i grew got me high.

    Read about Ruderalis. I once grew from bagseed , one turned out to be an autoflower,(I had always wondered why it didn't grow as big as the others) some kind of lowryder? and then it hermied , but I felt no loss and was glad to be able to get more space in my room.
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    Strange first time grow

    you should read about FIMing and LST.
  11. T

    The Best Method To Clean Your Glass Bowl Period.

    I use a 50% solution of water and simple green concentrate. The simple green is non-toxic and biodegradable. A gallon jug cost like 7 bucks and last for 6 months or more. Use it a a lower concentration for your countertops, windows, sinks - Worked at a pizza place where we cleaned the fryers...
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    Homemade light mover ideas?

    there is a post somewhere on here of a guy who connected his light to his oscillating fan with a couple of rods, worked for him.
  13. T

    Green Mold inside soil container

    After I started my air pump in my h2o I noticed a green ring from my ferts around the rim of the bucket. kinda looks like algae or mold but it's not. maybe that's what happened here?