Lime green leaf question with pics


Active Member
I noticed that some of my leaves are looking like they are turning lime green. This is not happening to all of my plants. I have 600w metal halide lights and it only appears under some of the lights. The lights are in air cooled hoods about 12in from the canopy. I clipped a couple of the more lime green looking leaves and brought them into my house to take pics but under normal light they look great, nice and green.
Here are a couple picsproject2 005.jpgproject2 006.jpgproject2 002.jpgproject2 009.jpg


Well-Known Member
Maybe bring your light up a bit. I run a 600 and keep it around 16in from the tops. May need a little more N in their diet. What are you feeding them? And how often? They don't look bad though.


Well-Known Member
i've had this problem before. looks like no insect issues great job! first step is to fix the pH.. it may be a lockout. give it a half dose of cal-mag and a half dose of some all-purpose with essention macro+micro's. do this two times; with one fresh watering inbetween. then go back to your normal doses with a little of the all purpose or cal-mag. ph for soil is around 6.5 and ph for hydro is around 5.8

kenny ken 77

Active Member
Mikethegrower, sorry my question has nothing to do with you original post. Looking at your pics I couldn't help notice your nice thick threaded net you are using for your screen and was wondering where you purchased such from, I have similar though a lot less robust, I think it's a goal net for some kiddie game. Your squares look smaller too,just what I need. After reading the thread I agree with matey,it's possibly light bleaching, apparently indica's are more likely too as opposed to sativa's. please forward required info,mate. Thank you,Kenny ken.


Active Member
Mikethegrower, sorry my question has nothing to do with you original post. Looking at your pics I couldn't help notice your nice thick threaded net you are using for your screen and was wondering where you purchased such from, I have similar though a lot less robust, I think it's a goal net for some kiddie game. Your squares look smaller too,just what I need. After reading the thread I agree with matey,it's possibly light bleaching, apparently indica's are more likely too as opposed to sativa's. please forward required info,mate. Thank you,Kenny ken.
The net isn't very thick but seems to work ok. It is just 2in utility netting from a garden center.


Active Member
Maybe bring your light up a bit. I run a 600 and keep it around 16in from the tops. May need a little more N in their diet. What are you feeding them? And how often? They don't look bad though.
Thanks for the reply. I feed them Floranova Grow. Feed, feed, water about every 4 days. PH seems fine, I am growing in pro mix and perlite and water at 6.3 ph. I will raise my lights up a bit. I just wonder why the leaf looks great when I bring it inside and look at it under normal household light. I also might add a little cal/mag net time I feed. There is already some in my nutes but maybe not enough. Would it hurt to give them more? Thanks


Well-Known Member
A little extra cal-mag probably wouldn't hurt any. Go easy and see what she looks like a few days after.


Active Member
defiantley ph problem causing a minor delay in the nutrient uptake. Just water with some more acidic water and add little bit of N. Even if your flowering a little bit of Nitrogen will do good. Maybe there is an issue with some micro nutes too. Or its just not getting enough time in the dark. Many reasons. Most likley PH and Nitrogen.

the plumber

Active Member
I used to do that, but had an aerator in the bucket, letting water sit lets it lose the air trapped in it the roots need


Active Member
i've had this problem before. looks like no insect issues great job! first step is to fix the pH.. it may be a lockout. give it a half dose of cal-mag and a half dose of some all-purpose with essention macro+micro's. do this two times; with one fresh watering inbetween. then go back to your normal doses with a little of the all purpose or cal-mag. ph for soil is around 6.5 and ph for hydro is around 5.8
Woah! steady on there! A lock out? If that's a nutrient lock-out then its not like any I have EVER seen, maybe a bit on the light side, but it looks quite healthy. Start adding "fixes" for deficiencies that your not even sure you have, and you are going to have problems.