Strange first time grow


Hi all, a quick newbie question here

I have the 2 following plants that seem to be completely different.
There growing in a 1m x 1m grow tent with a 600w hps and some fans to keep down the temp.
The first is small and shrubby and really dark green, the second is tall and skinny and has pale green droopy leaves. Both are twelve weeks old.
Yesterday I checked the soil and it seemed a little dry and crack so I bought bigger pots and repotted them with the following soil

also mixed in some perlite (20percent)
and this fertiliser ( a handful mixed in each pot)

Does anybody have any tips for me to make this tall skinny plant get a bit more bushier and also does anybody know what strain the small fat green one could be ?
Also how do they look in general ??

I have just put the lights onto 12/12 so they will hopefully start to flower, also can anybody tell if they are male or female yet ?

Thanks in advance, Mat


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, you vegged for 12 weeks? Now that you switched to 12/12 expect them to double in size because now they will use all stored veg energy into producing buds. You should have started flowering when they were 14" - 16" tall or usually about 4 - 5 weeks old.


Damn dude, you vegged for 12 weeks? Now that you switched to 12/12 expect them to double in size because now they will use all stored veg energy into producing buds. You should have started flowering when they were 14" - 16" tall or usually about 4 - 5 weeks old.
Is this good or bad ? Also is there anyway I can stop the the tall skinny one from getting taller because if he doubles in height he is going to hit the light at the top of the tent.


Well-Known Member
looks like 2 different strains 1 sativa 1 more indica dominent. not alot you can do now looks like 1 has been stretching like hell needed light closer you will be lucky if they dont outgrow there space as you veged for so long with no trimming. best of luck.


Well-Known Member
It's not necessarily bad because the longer you veg the bigger your yield will be. But they will definitely get another growth spurt when they start to flower and that might be an issue if you're growing indoors. I had a plant that was about 2 feet taller than my others and I just ended up raising my other plants by stacking them on paint cans. I eventually couldn't raise them much higher and had to bend my plant horizontally to get it some light... it was a pain in the ass.


Well-Known Member
I've been able to determine sex sometimes before I even flower... but once you push it to flower it will force it to show sex.

But just by looking at your pictures.... I think I can tell that your tall one is female. Upon zooming on the picture I think I can see 2 white hairs popping out of some of the nodes... I could be wrong, but I don't think I am. Get some better pictures of the smaller one if you can. They usually start to show sex near the top of the plant in between nodes.
