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  1. jhughes

    My GROW.

    2 600 watt hps. Hoods aren't the best but they are working alright for right now. Going to the store today to pick up some sockets so I can fill in some of the spots where the lights footprint. Also, running advanced nutrients with other additives, along with the ebb and grow in this 4x8 setup...
  2. jhughes

    My GROW.

    Well here is some up close pics of my babys, I was going to post this in the thread I already made with guessing how many plants there were, but oh well this will be fine. P.S please don't judge yet, these girls still have a bit to go. But comments are welcome:-P
  3. jhughes

    Temperature control issue.

    You could get a space heater man, but honestly during Veg leave those lights on 24/7 that'll keep it a constant temp and then by the time you start flowerin it should be warm enough outside where the plants wont even be affected. Try and time it out right to when you switch to flowering like...
  4. jhughes

    over feed plants

    Just check the ph, you can ph testers pretty much anywhere. And if the ph is good then check back here. Oh and people will probably want some pictures.
  5. jhughes

    how many plants do you see?

    Hahaha yea right, then my op would get compromised and all my mary jane would just get taken away :( but then again I do haave my medical card haha
  6. jhughes

    how many plants do you see?

    Too bad there is no prizes...maybe I will make another thread and guessing how much they will yield and then winner get a prize? hell I dont know haha. They still have a little bit more to go.
  7. jhughes

    how many plants do you see?

    excellent guess haha
  8. jhughes

    how many plants do you see?

    haha well in that pic they're are only 3 plants, and yes! I let them go a little too long in veg, so while in flower they took off. I under estimated it big time. Normally they're 12 plants in that 4x8 space. There is also a plant to the left that I took out of the picture. plants include...
  9. jhughes

    how many plants do you see?

    Take a guess at how many plants.
  10. jhughes

    careful when you post pictures!! GPS can be a bitch

    Well, that is kinda scary, people better go and get their medical cards! But either way, can't people just go to like or and just not use a log in name and just upload the photos and post them here?
  11. jhughes

    Just recieved this clone, what do you think?

    I run all my clones under 24 hours a light and they do great.
  12. jhughes

    why are these seedlings curling?

    yea, these are fine...let em grow.
  13. jhughes

    Transplant shock or nute deficiency?

    What do you mean transfer shock? like transplanted? I had a similar problem with one of mine, it had todo with the roots and too much nutes. I got more oxygen to my roots and cut back on the dose of nutrients..
  14. jhughes

    space heater

    Hey dude get one of those torpedo heaters! Those heaters are just going to be a waste of money man, I used a space heater for a minute, but my electric bill sky rocketed and wasnt even worth it. So i went out and bought one of those torpedo heaters and have been filling it with kerosene and it...
  15. jhughes

    attitude is fucking awesome!

    Yea. but that shirt is bad ass. i just got mine haha
  16. jhughes

    kinda cold...tell me how long.

    alright, well i'm getting some clones tomorrow, and I will make sure they're indicas because I would like to see a finish with in 8 weeks of flowering...yea it got pretty chilly around here, but now that the tent is getting to a constant heat I cant wait for them to finish, and yea that is true...
  17. jhughes

    kinda cold...tell me how long.

    yea but they have been going forever! like seriously im starting the 12 week of flowering right now...but things are looking a lot better now that my tent is a constant 70 degrees. So you really think 8 more weeks? yea maybe, but i'm expecting some real good smoke out of this, and profit.
  18. jhughes

    kinda cold...tell me how long.

    Damn, I thought so. These are all I ill just wait. Thanks man.
  19. jhughes

    kinda cold...tell me how long.

    Any one else... could use some help.
  20. jhughes

    kinda cold...tell me how long.

    Alright...will do. I saw abunch for cheap. But shouldn't they be swelling up a lot bigger than that?