over feed plants

lil daddy

I got my plants last sunday on 2-13 i think i over feed them or my ph was off because my tips to the leaves turned a little brown i only fed them once and now i am scared to feed them today how can i correct this problem?


Just check the ph, you can ph testers pretty much anywhere. And if the ph is good then check back here. Oh and people will probably want some pictures.


Well-Known Member
Small, newly rooted clones shoudln't need to be fed nutes right away. If you put them in a new medium, let them get established before trying to feed them, unless it's a completely inert medium like rockwool or something similar, which I would pre-soak with a very mild nute solution/rooting solution.

A very slight burn of the leaf tips (as long as the leaves look healthy otherwise) during later stages of veg and thru flowering I have found is good. I try to push the plant in those stages, but the plant root structure is long since established at that point.

Pics will definitley help, as we don't know the sizes of the plants, but I would just feed them ph'd water for now....no more nutes. Keep a close eye on them. If the burning continues, flush the medium with about 3 times the volume of the container. 2 gallon pot flush with 5-6 gallons. Then leave the plants for a few days, or until they need water. Then feed, if the flush helped, a food solution at half strength or so....or even milder.

Once your plants get established better, you can start feeding them.

That is just what I would do.

But the more info the better. My suggestion is assuming alot of things, like your medium, clone size...etc etc. The more you provide, the more accurate the advice people can offer should be.


Well-Known Member
also, another good tip is..

don't feed your plants more than twice a month..

usually plants will only take what nutrients it needs from whatever you feed it. But sometimes it can be an overload.. and cause problems to the plant.
