space heater

lil daddy

Just bought a kenwood oil filled space heater to help maintain temp in my 8 x 8 room (garage)do you think this will work since temps in MI. get cold?


Well-Known Member
Only one way to find out really, put that sucker in there and record the temps. I assume you mean for lightsoff.
Hey there, using a DeMarco space heater and mine heats a 4x4 area pretty well. Angle it right at the plants during all phases if you use one, makes your stems real thick. Didn't evn have to prop up my plants during flowering because the stems and branches are so strong on my plants. I'm in PA so I know your predicament.


Active Member
How insulated is the room? I've tried those oil filled ones before and just didn't seem that warm. I use an oscillating electric heater with digital thermostat.
I keep mine running 24/7, though on warm days I give it a 2-4 hour break and then random 30 min breaks with lights on. Modern space heaters are durable as hell.


Hey dude get one of those torpedo heaters! Those heaters are just going to be a waste of money man, I used a space heater for a minute, but my electric bill sky rocketed and wasnt even worth it. So i went out and bought one of those torpedo heaters and have been filling it with kerosene and it just heated the whole room till morning.

But yea i guess wait and see what happens and then check your plants out.


Well-Known Member
It's a fairly small room your trying to heat. If it is insulated it would work much better. It will definately be an improvement over nothing.


Active Member
I have it in my veg room that vents to my flower room so no chance of light but I don't think it does cause it's ceramic not wire. And the digital thermostat does not stay lit.