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  1. T

    6 Bagseeds 12/12 140w CFL in a Wardrobe Box

    Yeah, i also use Schultz all purpose and i use 7 drops for 1 and and half cups of water and i still havnt seen any signs of burn and the plant is only 3 weeks old
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    250W CFL - To top or not to Top?? That is the question

    i would personally top that is about the size i toped my plants at
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    Ever had on of these???

    That is interesting, well now you get about a 8th more :P
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    Temp inside grow box

    Wow Thanks! that helped a lot :D plus rep
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    Temp inside grow box

    When my lights are off inside my grow box the temp goes down to 66-68 degrees. is that to cold? My box is in my garage and so it will drop to as low as the temp is whenever the lights are off, i made sure the lights never go off during the night and not untill about 11 o clock am just to make...
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    Good lamps for CFLs?

    if you go to Homedepot there are reflector's there with clamps that range from 150-300 watt bulb compatibility that are 7$-20$. Those would be fine
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    how many lowriders

    good luck man i would like to see that grow are you going to make a journal on it?
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    T5 vs. CFL Fixture

    I would Go with the t5 light enless you think that the 9 other clamps are going to get in the way or if you think that it might be to cloes to the walls to get in
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    First Indoor Grow 2010! Big Budda Cheese and Lowryder #2 Auto

    Its been three days since i put the germinated seed in the soil and under my lights still no sign of sprouting :(
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    1st ever grow! From cutting

    You could easily just grab 2 23W cfls and just throw them on the sides on the plants, that alone will help her out loads :D
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    Tubes to germinate!

    There are many methods to germinating a seed, no need to be in a rush, just germinate the old fashion way
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    Flower help please

    give it a week or 2more than it should be ready to go :D
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    Buying seeds

    The only other way would be to have a close friend of yours who you can trust and ask him/her to let you send them to their house
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    1st ever grow! From cutting

    xeningti looks great and your only using 1 bulb!!! nice friend of yours for giving you such a large clone
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    First Indoor Grow 2010! Big Budda Cheese and Lowryder #2 Auto

    planted the seed this morning...... lowryder #2 just a couple pictures here of day number1 :D
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    First Indoor Grow 2010! Big Budda Cheese and Lowryder #2 Auto

    SEEDS CAME FINALLY!.... starting to germinate, ill upload pictures wen they crack and wen i put it in
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    First Indoor Grow 2010! Big Budda Cheese and Lowryder #2 Auto

    Nice man i'd like to see how that goes it
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    First Indoor Grow 2010! Big Budda Cheese and Lowryder #2 Auto

    I will have 1 more 105 watt cfl up with those and hopefully the 150 watt hps over that... i know i have to make some minor adjustments but its all good for now
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    First Indoor Grow 2010! Big Budda Cheese and Lowryder #2 Auto

    Thanks :D im pretty excited just waiting for the seeds to come!!! i will upload pictures of the box, good size for my first time... the big budda is something im trying to make big, very big... I'll just be vegging it in my box from February (give or take) till April than moving her outside and...