Buying seeds


Active Member
So, I finally decided to buy some seeds of the internet since it wont be easy at all to get them where I live.

I dont want to order them to my own house though, since that may cause some problems...

Any guesses on how to obtain seeds from the internet without sending them to your own house?

The only other way would be to have a close friend of yours who you can trust and ask him/her to let you send them to their house


Active Member
Not rocket science to work something out, surely?
I surely dont remember asking you to be a douche and tell me whether it was rocket science or not.

Thanks for the p.o. box idea though, it might actually work, I didnt even know they existed.


I'm pretty sure this has been covered over 1,000 times. The search button works wonders. (That's being a douchebag.)