T5 vs. CFL Fixture


Well-Known Member
My room closet is pretty small, but height is great, its about 48 inches long and 28 inches wide, i have 9x 26w 6500k CFLs in Clamp reflectors and im looking to add one more source of light to what i have to my grow but im stuck between two choices

1. 125 CFL Light Fixture With Reflector


2. 2ft. 2 Lamp T5 Grow Light - 10,000 Lumen Output (also size covers just about all the plants im growing in my closet nicely)


which one do you think would work better?

+ Rep to those who answer
I would Go with the t5 light enless you think that the 9 other clamps are going to get in the way or if you think that it might be to cloes to the walls to get in

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i'm not too sure about that 10,000 lumen claim on the t5 fixture. i have in my hands a vitalume 2 ft t5ho, it's 24 watts and has a lumen output of 1900. double that doesn't even come close to 10,000 lumens. i understand it's a different brand but still. even assuming your t5 is double the lumens of my t5 it still sounds like an exaggerated claim. i've never used the big cfls with reflectors, but i have read quite a bit about how their efficiancy is less than the smaller home use cfls. i honestly wouldn't get either of those lights. if i were you i would just add additional cfls or t5 strip lights and add them on the sides. with floro light it's more about how you distribute the light. imo a plant that has 30w of cfl above and 13w on each side is better off than 60 watts all overhead. just my .02 :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah TH is right a 2 foot 2 lamp T5HO is only 4000 lumens bub. But I would definately take T5s over CFLs all else being equal.


Active Member
I would go with the 2ft Grow light lamp -the t5s. Lumens is the key. For seedlings go for somewhere between 8,000 to 12,000 lumens and as they grow the more lumens the better. I'm using t5s and my own light fixture setup because lights from the top isn't enough. To get them to grow fuller you'll need lights on the sides too.


Active Member
CFL technology has come along way in the last one to two years, and it continues to advance. Most advice given above was true about two years ago. For cfl's, it use to be that only the smaller watts could give you about 68 lumens per watt. Now you can get that in 105 watt bulb. They are not your ordinary lamp bulb, they are HID replacement bulbs that kick out 7150 lumens. They are a foot long and about five inches wide (they are monsters). One of these bulbs are capable of growing a three foot plant thru flower. I have a plant now that its eight weeks old, and its three freet tall and takes up two square feet by itself. It has one 105 watt cfl above it. See pics below. There are 300 watt cfl coming out soon, but only produce about 50 lumens per watt. There is a new shape (rose/bulb) that is in research now and will go into production in about a year. This design delivers 75 lumens per watt, and will bring all cfl up MH equivlants. Its only matter of time before the rose bulb is put in a 400 watt cfl, and it will only be about 15% less powerful than a 400 watt HPS, except that the clf will go about 15% closer with about five time less heat.

Tubes are great, but lumens dont stack. Multi bulbs cover well, but lumens emit from one poweful buld will travel further down the plant. Tubes are good for seedlings but not good for plants that begin to get some height to them.



Well-Known Member
Yea ur best bet is to go a bit further and for 90 euros or so i just picked up a new bulb its called flower power i beleive , its the most powerful cfl 300 watt red spectrum bulb on the market and that gives out close to 22,000 lumens and produces almost no heat so u can keep it close and get great results , 6-9 plants i use it for my auto flowering plants works great.


Well-Known Member
yes i agree i just picked up the cfl 300 watt red spec and its very versitile plus they are vertualy heat free, my girls grow an inch a day each under that bulb, all autos 2 speed devils and 2 roadrunners all under one bulb , im sure i can put up to 8 or 9 under it and they will still do well. very good bulb pricey but well worth it.