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  1. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey guys!!!! What do yall think?!?!
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Whats up friends!!! Here are a couple pics of just some of the plants I am harvesting soon! I am showing my Shipwreck and XXX strains here... recently had to harvest a Purple Ak 47 about a week or so early due to the detection of a fast spreading fungus :( So the first 4 pictures are of my...
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    Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here

    just a couple pics of my Purple AK 47 buds!
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    Fungus on plant nearing I harvest early?? PICS!

    Definitely been washing the tools and stuff... its a kind of a mold or fungus I have never seen before. The bud that have "browned" shoot out almost a powder like substance when touched...I assumed the fungus/mold's method of spreading perhaps? I think I will monitor the next few days...if its...
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    Fungus on plant nearing I harvest early?? PICS!

    Hello friends! This is one of my plants in my garden, she is a Purple AK 47. Unfortunately where I live here in coastal Cali, we have had our fair share of molds and funguses going around. One week ago I had to remove a branch due to a mold on her (of course I am drying what was good on it!)...
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    Bud/Stem issue on AK - 47...worried...PICS!!!

    After two days of signs of it coming back yet. Maybe I got it just in time??
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    Bud/Stem issue on AK - 47...worried...PICS!!!

    Well this is just one plant of 4 different plants I am growing in my yard (each a different strain). The spots were small. The plant still looks great. I removed the affected areas and I am going to keep goin with the girls until something tells me to stop! However, I am now about to go through...
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    Bud/Stem issue on AK - 47...worried...PICS!!!

    Oh shit son...hahaha. I got the idea of some sort of mold/fungus. I'm not the worlds best green thumb, but I grew up in a mountain/farm community and also have a decent amount of common sense and knowledge heh. I did remove the affected areas (( although on one that might mean the entire...
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    Bud/Stem issue on AK - 47...worried...PICS!!!

    Hello friends! So my beautiful AK-47 girl, Bertha...has been absolutely thriving this summer! She is outside, in a 30gal grow bag with Vital Earth Soil, started up with some Happy Frog Jump Start, and the only ferts I have used on her are Super Thrive and BioBizz - Bio Grow. She just last...
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    Central Valley medical grow...Maui Wowie..Super Silver Haze...

    Sweet bud! Did they flower just because of a light shift? Shade?
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    can i grow just adding water

    It all depends bud!!! My father when he was young only grew with water! I have seen pictures. Massive plants. But it has to do with the dirt you put em in, the amount of light, and water. Nature is simple, yet complicated :) I believe when you grow, you should be doing your best to replicate...
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    watering outdoor...?

    I really think it depends. I water my plants maybe twice a week, when they need it of course. Typically use nutes every time, but I use the BioBizz series.... which are way amazing. And its pretty safe to around everything. However if I am feeling hesitant, then I use half to a quarter strenght...
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    Is she ready for Bloom Fert? / Question regarding bloom ferts...

    Thanks BongKong...!! And everyone else, I'm def gonna try out the BioBizz Bloom soon then, maybe quarter to half strength for a while though. Since theres so much time left being outdoors.. That answers the other two dudes things about light/changing the bloom.... It's an outdoor grow. I can't...
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    Is she ready for Bloom Fert? / Question regarding bloom ferts...

    Thanks so much man! Will do :) And you think the BioBizz Bio Bloom would be a winner? I am definitely not one to rush things. I believe I should wait for nature to let me know whats needed, rather than to force and stress the plants :)
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    Is she ready for Bloom Fert? / Question regarding bloom ferts...

    Hey guys! My Purple AK 47 lady is showing TONS of these wonderful beautiful early stage buds! She is outside full time. Anyways, I currently feed her with BioBizz Bio Grow...and I am wondering since the appearance of these beautiful baby buds if its time to start her on a Bloom fertilizer...
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    Settling it for good, Superthrive

    I have used Superthrive most of my waterings. I never thought there could possibly be hormonal effects. My parents have always used it once a week with no problems....
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    Questions On Bo Bizz Grow And Bloom

    You got a problem!!! I can't pinpoint it, however can you include your specs? Soil, other ferts, etc... It could not only be a nitrogen def, but possible a Calcium/Magneseum as well, since most ferts and soils do not have much of those. I use the BioBizz Bio Grow...and it works miracles! I am...
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    Backyard Grow 2010 Purp Ak 47, Shipwreck, Headband, XXX

    Hey everyone! Welcome to my grow journal! This is my first outdoor/backyard grow on my own, although not my first experience with growing. This year was a funny situation. Originally decided to just grow 2 plants for myself, and after that grabbing 2 more clones and putting them out a bit...
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    Bugs, eggs, turds, PICS! Help :(

    There are several possibilities of indoor pests tho! But you're right, not like outdoors. Well, we get a really really good coastal fog which dampens everything (makes it almost look like it has rained). Just went out, and spraying with water wouldn't do good until its dry since they are very...
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    Bugs, eggs, turds, PICS! Help :(

    Sorry that this convos is on two different threads, because initially I thought it was two different problems. But our winged friend that I tried to capture in pic 5, is most definitely a winged aphid. I am prety positive these are their eggs and larvae as well....