can i grow just adding water

c cinco

i have not given my plants any type of nutrients will it still be some cool bd or do i have to give it some 1st timer???
It all depends bud!!!

My father when he was young only grew with water! I have seen pictures. Massive plants. But it has to do with the dirt you put em in, the amount of light, and water.

Nature is simple, yet complicated :) I believe when you grow, you should be doing your best to replicate nature! Not trying to go all gung ho...

However, if you are JUST now going to do an outdoor grow, going up on mid-august... A light fert like Bio Bizz-Bio Grow would be nice....natural, organic, and not too high in the NPK :) Would only do good for your lady! Don't want to lavish her, but don't want to make her work TOO hard :D


Well-Known Member
if you're asking whether you can grow start to finish without using any nutrients the answer is, probably, but it will be some schwaggy ass shiznit.


Well-Known Member
that's not true.
haha ok, you waste two months growing garbage and I'll keep smoking my dense/crystal laiden fire. If your soil was absolutely amazing to begin with you might be able to pull off some mid grade shit. But to go the entire process without adding anything, your end product is most likely gonna be shit. Your plant is going to use up what is in the soil and start suffering from deficiencies by the second half of the grow.

Now lets see some of your amazing buds grown without any nutrients....


Well-Known Member
Michael has the best answer so far in regards to your question. The soil, light, and general outdoor growing conditions are your biggest factors. Now, you have to ask yourself this question. Is my soil rich enough to support a plant through it's grow cycle. If the answer is yes, then go for it, here is a hint, sativa is your best bet for this since they are the lightest feeders. Bandit, just doesn't understand or is so hooked on chems and other additives that he fails to see the whole picture in growing plants, not just the girls but any plants.
I use my own soil which is made from compost, I only add organic manure tea and molasses. Granted you may or may not grow the biggest and the badest smoke but you will have some smoke just depending on the soil you are starting with. Good Luck to your grow.


Active Member
Very first time I ever grew weed I had 4 Stinky Pinky plants from clone and only gave them water start to finish. I probably didn't even get an ounce a plant and the bud was not dense at all but was super crystally, smelled bomb, and got me super high. Light green with pink hairs and everything :) Yum!


New Member
haha ok, you waste two months growing garbage and I'll keep smoking my dense/crystal laiden fire. If your soil was absolutely amazing to begin with you might be able to pull off some mid grade shit. But to go the entire process without adding anything, your end product is most likely gonna be shit. Your plant is going to use up what is in the soil and start suffering from deficiencies by the second half of the grow.

Now lets see some of your amazing buds grown without any nutrients....
iits all about genetics
have u ever watched strainhunters
those people in india and africa dont use any type of fert....charcoal at the most
but yet they have fire,so fire that breeders want it


Well-Known Member
I've seen several "just add water" organic and semi-organic soil recipes out there. Never tried any though. With different ingredients are going to break down at different rates plus with the plants different needs and different times, I think it would take a lot of trial and error to get something like that down. Not me, I prefer a more inert peat based mix where I can control what it gets and when it gets it. Hell, if you really want to you can start a seedling in something neutral, then transplant into MG moisture control with time released ferts. If you don't overwater you can go from start to finish without adding anything but water. Might not be the best, but I'm pretty sure it would work.

I was actually buying soil a few months ago from a local guy who owns a small greenhouse and runs the family farm. Guy was really friendly (like most farmers I've encountered) and we got to talking about plant nutrition. I was telling him how I don't like those time released pellets you find in most big name soils these days. I thought he would agree, but on the contrary, he said he loves that stuff. Said all of his greenhouse plants, from azaleas to zucchini live in pro-mix with a certain amount of those pellets in depending on the species. All he does is add water. I thought that was interesting. Maybe he's just a busy guy trying to save time, but if a guy who's living and livelihood is based on the survival of these plants can do it, there has to be at least some merit.


Well-Known Member
hey banditt you obviously dont know anything, youve fallen into the hydro store trap. a bunch of products with great labels that dont do too much. this is the outdoor grow forum. i have three absolute BEASTS in my garden. do you know what they are feeding on? a little bit of compost, and a handful of wormcastings. they are about 6-7 feet and ive had to cut them down about 3-4 times or else they would be 10 11 feet by now. so before you go telling people to spend money on bullshit, figure out their situation first cause not everybody needs fancy marijuana nutrients and supplements to grow good bud.


Well-Known Member
hey banditt you obviously dont know anything, youve fallen into the hydro store trap. a bunch of products with great labels that dont do too much. this is the outdoor grow forum. i have three absolute BEASTS in my garden. do you know what they are feeding on? a little bit of compost, and a handful of wormcastings. they are about 6-7 feet and ive had to cut them down about 3-4 times or else they would be 10 11 feet by now. so before you go telling people to spend money on bullshit, figure out their situation first cause not everybody needs fancy marijuana nutrients and supplements to grow good bud.
Are you retarded? You do realize what compost and worm castings are right? This is not a chemical vs. organic argument here....The guy is asking can he throw his seed in some basic soil with no ferts and grow it start to finish and get good shit (good shit may be a subjective term because after lurking this board for a while I am under the assumption a good sampling of this population has prolly never had REALLY good bud). The answer is no...The plant needs some type of food during it's life cycle. In your case it is being supplied by your organic additives. I never told anyone to spend money on anything. Did I recommend using any specific ferts or additives? I believe I also said in my first post, it can be done (grown that is), but you aren't going to get amazing quality. Hey if smoking garbage is your thing. Do it to it. I really don't care what you do, listen to the scrub with 10 posts who says you can grow super trees with a fucking flashlight and some dust from your floor. Makes no difference to me i don't have to smoke your crap.


Active Member
i have been growing a plant with only water is buddin now smells good but it came from mids seed so i suppose itll be good mid because tehres no males but i agree it wont be super potent i have had potent bud but you have to know ppl here in bama lots of mid and regs


Well-Known Member
Are you retarded? You do realize what compost and worm castings are right? This is not a chemical vs. organic argument here....The guy is asking can he throw his seed in some basic soil with no ferts and grow it start to finish and get good shit (good shit may be a subjective term because after lurking this board for a while I am under the assumption a good sampling of this population has prolly never had REALLY good bud). The answer is no...The plant needs some type of food during it's life cycle. In your case it is being supplied by your organic additives. I never told anyone to spend money on anything. Did I recommend using any specific ferts or additives? I believe I also said in my first post, it can be done (grown that is), but you aren't going to get amazing quality. Hey if smoking garbage is your thing. Do it to it. I really don't care what you do, listen to the scrub with 10 posts who says you can grow super trees with a fucking flashlight and some dust from your floor. Makes no difference to me i don't have to smoke your crap.
Bandit, it is people like yourself that really pisses me off, granted you have not outright said anything about buying a thing. I take note that someone can be so dense and uppity about knowledge, the whole point as been about not applying any extra nutes during the grow. All soil no matter how lame or over used contains nutes, no one has said anything about growing with any type of nutes in the soil. You need to take a deep breath, relax and get a grip on life, bud. As far as us people never having smoked anything better than dirt weed, I'll put mine up against anyone's. Don't know your age but from the sounds of it I have been growing my girls longer than you have been breathing God's good air.
Its starts with the soil and ends with the soil provided you are growing in soil, if not then there are lots of admendments which you are going to have to feed a plant to grow it through its life cycle. So, I suggest you take a pipeful of you super shit and relax. Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
Michael has the best answer so far in regards to your question. The soil, light, and general outdoor growing conditions are your biggest factors. Now, you have to ask yourself this question. Is my soil rich enough to support a plant through it's grow cycle. If the answer is yes, then go for it, here is a hint, sativa is your best bet for this since they are the lightest feeders. Bandit, just doesn't understand or is so hooked on chems and other additives that he fails to see the whole picture in growing plants, not just the girls but any plants.
I use my own soil which is made from compost, I only add organic manure tea and molasses. Granted you may or may not grow the biggest and the badest smoke but you will have some smoke just depending on the soil you are starting with. Good Luck to your grow.
Bandit, it is people like yourself that really pisses me off, granted you have not outright said anything about buying a thing. I take note that someone can be so dense and uppity about knowledge, the whole point as been about not applying any extra nutes during the grow. All soil no matter how lame or over used contains nutes, no one has said anything about growing with any type of nutes in the soil. You need to take a deep breath, relax and get a grip on life, bud. As far as us people never having smoked anything better than dirt weed, I'll put mine up against anyone's. Don't know your age but from the sounds of it I have been growing my girls longer than you have been breathing God's good air.
Its starts with the soil and ends with the soil provided you are growing in soil, if not then there are lots of admendments which you are going to have to feed a plant to grow it through its life cycle. So, I suggest you take a pipeful of you super shit and relax. Happy Growing

You're another one. Your using organic additives to your soil and claiming oh wow I just use water and grow amazing shit. Look dummy, compost tea, molasses etc....all that shit is fertilizer aka plant food. Get your head out of your ass. How about this....Just take your soil, don't add the compost, compost tea or molasses then come back and tell me how awesome your grow was. kk? thx bye

PS: Why does every moron on this site think the old "I been growing since you were a twinkle in your daddy's eye" line is a good one? It's been used and used again. And hey man, if you been growing for 30 something years...My hats off to ya. You would think you would be able to comprehend plain english a little better after so much time but I may be asking too much. lol


Well-Known Member
You're another one. Your using organic additives to your soil and claiming oh wow I just use water and grow amazing shit. Look dummy, compost tea, molasses etc....all that shit is fertilizer aka plant food. Get your head out of your ass. How about this....Just take your soil, don't add the compost, compost tea or molasses then come back and tell me how awesome your grow was. kk? thx bye

PS: Why does every moron on this site think the old "I been growing since you were a twinkle in your daddy's eye" line is a good one? It's been used and used again. And hey man, if you been growing for 30 something years...My hats off to ya. You would think you would be able to comprehend plain english a little better after so much time but I may be asking too much. lol
Hey asshole.......I'll compare IQs also. Figure if you think I'm a moron reckon its a moron's right to think your an asshole. Read the first post. This is an outdoor grow, hence the plants are growing in soil. This means that there are nutes and more than likely organic matter in soil. No one here has suggested that this man or woman was trying to grow in a sterile piece of soil. Seems as though you are the person with little to no comprehension of the English language, or if you prefer Spanish I will be happy to speak to you in that language also. If you read my post I also never claimed to only use water in my grows, it plainly states that I use manure tea and molasses.


Well-Known Member
i have not given my plants any type of nutrients will it still be some cool bd or do i have to give it some 1st timer???
Hey asshole.......I'll compare IQs also. Figure if you think I'm a moron reckon its a moron's right to think your an asshole. Read the first post. This is an outdoor grow, hence the plants are growing in soil. This means that there are nutes and more than likely organic matter in soil. No one here has suggested that this man or woman was trying to grow in a sterile piece of soil. Seems as though you are the person with little to no comprehension of the English language, or if you prefer Spanish I will be happy to speak to you in that language also. If you read my post I also never claimed to only use water in my grows, it plainly states that I use manure tea and molasses.
Obviously I don't need you to explain to me that there is already a baseline of nutrients in any soil. I thought that pretty much goes without saying. Is it enough to get you through the entire growth and bloom phases without having ever added anything but water? Not unless you live in a flood plain or on the Nile or something. lol
Which most of us normal folk do not. So we have to add shit to our soil to give the plant what it needs in order to get the full potential from it. You have already stated you are using compost tea and molasses etc. So there you have it....Look at the original post I have quoted....He has dropped a seed in some soil, given it nothing else but water, and wants to know if he can do that from start to finish and grow good buds. The answer is most likely no unless his soil is absolutely amazing which is highly unlikely.
Like I is possible to grow the plant all the way out start to finish without adding anything, but is it gonna be good? I'd say depending on the conditions where he lives (I am not asking where he lives for obvious reasons) chances are probably 90% - NO, 10% Yes. Do you
comprehend now?

Trust me you don't want to compare IQ's. You've already come to a battle of wits unarmed.


Well-Known Member
Obviously I don't need you to explain to me that there is already a baseline of nutrients in any soil. I thought that pretty much goes without saying. Is it enough to get you through the entire growth and bloom phases without having ever added anything but water? Not unless you live in a flood plain or on the Nile or something. lol
Which most of us normal folk do not. So we have to add shit to our soil to give the plant what it needs in order to get the full potential from it. You have already stated you are using compost tea and molasses etc. So there you have it....Look at the original post I have quoted....He has dropped a seed in some soil, given it nothing else but water, and wants to know if he can do that from start to finish and grow good buds. The answer is most likely no unless his soil is absolutely amazing which is highly unlikely.
Like I is possible to grow the plant all the way out start to finish without adding anything, but is it gonna be good? I'd say depending on the conditions where he lives (I am not asking where he lives for obvious reasons) chances are probably 90% - NO, 10% Yes. Do you
comprehend now?

Trust me you don't want to compare IQ's. You've already come to a battle of wits unarmed.
Yeah right