Questions On Bo Bizz Grow And Bloom


Active Member
Hello RIU,
im sure this has been asked before and its probably among the threads somewhere but its just a quicky. I have 5 girls all around 5 weeks old now, i'v been feeing the bio bizz grow starting at 1ml and working up to 3 ml. Is 3ml enough for full strength or should i be at 4? because the bottom fan leaves on a couple of the girls are dying off already.
Also am i to be feeding them with every water? I'm weary about it because they are being watered every other day / 3 days with the bio at the moment.
thanks in advance :joint:


Active Member
can anyone help?
Got a picture here of a leaf i just picked off from the bottom of 1 of the girls, is this a deficiancy or down to lack of N ?


You got a problem!!!
I can't pinpoint it, however can you include your specs? Soil, other ferts, etc... It could not only be a nitrogen def, but possible a Calcium/Magneseum as well, since most ferts and soils do not have much of those.

I use the BioBizz Bio Grow...and it works miracles! I am up to the 5ml now for full strength! No problems :) Its so wonderful because of its Molasses, Potash and Beet Vinegar derivatives.


Active Member
Does your plant look good as a whole? Currently using biogrow and biobloom in promix soil with no problems


Well-Known Member
im having th same problem! isnt there any one that can help? my plant looks good as a hole plant and is 7 weeks veg but some leaves alredy dieing out from the bottem of the plant.


Well-Known Member
Hello Space,

Long time grower who looks at the forums but does not answer and who likes bio bizz. So I will get out of my shell and try to help
What is your media ?
What is your PH?
What is your water source ?
Is your fan blowing directly onto lower leaves ?
Do your nuits smell OK ? Some bio bizz can go bad.

I grow in coco and from start to finish I add 1-2 ml of cal meg+ / litre of water in addiiton to 1-3 ml of bio grow in veg.
My Ph in veg = 5.8 and my ph in flower = 5.5. this is important.

End of 3 week Veg from clone, 2 weeks, 3 weeks 4 weeks of flower.


dude here is what i would tell u
i am also using bio bizz and bio grow the real key is compost tea
5 gal use compost, bat shit, worm shit, humus, blood meal in veg, Bushdoctor brew, earth juice catalyst and kelp.
there u go make bio bizz and other nutrients just second
compost tea is a lot more important.

see this no matter how much nutrients u give them if the microbes cant break the nutrients down in the form plants understand it all the nutrients go waste
dude research microbes


Well-Known Member
I used topmax a year ago just for 50ml and then i kept the bottle firmly closed for one year.
Now i open it and it stinks a bit like toilet's drainage system..

SHould i use it, or better discard it??
The other biobiz nutrients are still smell nice after one year opening the bottles.

Does a bottle of organic nutrients loses potency if it has been opened and then kept aside for a year?
Some people say its ok to use as soon as it will be only 20-30% less potent. I am not sure if they turn to be salts and stuff that will end to lockup the plant..