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  1. S

    I think marriage should be between a man and a woman

    ??? This makes no sense whatsoever. Gay couples are going to live with eachother anyway regardless of how the state views them and marriage has nothing to do with a "process of reproduction" (whatever that means). Gay Marriage just allows them the same benefits as other couples (taxation...
  2. S ends votes sunday

    What do you mean its not #1? Looks to me like its beating everything by over 18000 points, We need to get 'Stop using federal resources to undermine states' medicinal marijuana laws' to second though as its...
  3. S

    Marijuana weights

    Guess that depends if you're buying or selling, good money for the dealers even if its just a small amount sold :blsmoke: Over here we mix with tobacco so we only use a couple of pinches in a joint, how much weed do ye guys roll with?
  4. S

    Marijuana weights

    Thats the price over here, fuck, you even got to mix it with tobacco to stretch it and that shit'll kill ya :?. Hence the reason I'm here :mrgreen:
  5. S

    What soil to get?

    Anybody use Top soil? We're getting a ton of it tomorrow so I'm thinking of using some.
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    what is the best way to keep a plant small and bushy?

    Cool, its something I'd be interested in so I was just asking :mrgreen: Heres a topic on topping (its probably more reliable then me :)),
  7. S

    what is the best way to keep a plant small and bushy?

    Top it a couple of weeks or when it gets about 3 sets of leaves, cut where the 4th is going to form, I think anyway, maybe somone can clarify that. You could also try LST, I've heard good things about that. When your doing it in your ditch are you just going to toss it in there or will you look...
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    Where You Guys Live? (Don't Say)!

    Ireland, only one way to see leprechauns though ;)
  9. S

    The Origins of '420'

    Your link is missing the closing bracket so its not working, might want to edit it :)
  10. S

    Marijuana weights

    Ye guys have no idea how luck ye are, over here an eigth is €50 ($75 US). F*ckers :(
  11. S

    Help! New to hydro many ?'s

    Whats the difference between the one you've linked and this one (apart from the bucket size and price tag)? Is 5 months right? Isn't Hydro faster than soil which only takes 2 months?
  12. S

    Need Clearing Up About Nutes

    I'm hoping to get my grow up and running in 1 week but there's one thing holding me back. Nutrients. I've a couple of Qs that I hope ye can answer. Are Hydro Nutes the same as Soil? Do I need two Nutes, one for Veg and one for Flower? What N-P-K should I be looking for? Add anything else...
  13. S

    Whats the best way??

    Is it possible to make your own rockwool type cubes? I'm trying to keep online spending to a minimum and from what I can gather this stuff is just neutral pH soil, right?
  14. S

    Oxygenating the roots?

    Plants produce all the oxygen they need and a lot more they don't. There's no need to give them any.
  15. S

    How do i grow marijuana without my parents finding out?

    Cigarettes are dangerous and are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths a year. Smoke pot exclusively, its a lot safer.
  16. S

    Going to do a PC case build

    Just noticed a journal you might be interested in:
  17. S

    Going to do a PC case build

    I think you should have both fans at the back to keep it inconspicuous. You could place a divider between them (about 5") to prevent the air coming in and going straight out. The divider should allow the air to flow through out the box. Do you have any pics? I've always wanted to do a pc grow.
  18. S

    Which will produce more?

    I might do that although at the moment I restricted to stealth. Would 4 7" plants still produce a decent yield (under the best conditions) for that particular strain? Anyone here keep plants small?
  19. S

    How do i grow marijuana without my parents finding out?

    I don't know where the servers for this site are located but I'd guess not in America, therefore your 'American Freedom of Speech' card doesn't play. Either way 'Owners reserve the right to refuse service to anyone' << Ever seen that (or something similar) in a store/bar? Bitch about your rights...
  20. S

    Describe the high

    Well, I once pulled a whitie from NL. Thats a good thing, kinda :roll: